About the NASP Practice Model

In May 2020, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) adopted the NASP 2020 Professional Standards, including the Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services, also known as the NASP Practice Model. The NASP Practice Model represents NASP’s official policy regarding the delivery of school psychological services. The 2020 model takes effect July 1, 2020 and builds on the success of the 2010 model in advancing the consistent implementation of school psychological services to help ensure their maximum effectiveness, efficiency, and quality in schools nationwide.

The 2020 model will continue to support efforts to:

  • Improve ratios with the adjusted recommended ratio of 1:500
  • Enhance recognition of and access to school psychologists’ comprehensive skills and expertise across the 10 Domains of Practice
  • Implement the 6 Organizational Principles necessary to ensure the systemic capacity for school psychologists to provide their comprehensive role

Implementation of the NASP Practice Model creates the capacity to make the best, most cost-effective use of school psychologists' skills and expertise, which are an existing but sometimes underutilized resource in schools. The Practice Model allows flexibility for agencies and professionals to develop policies and procedures that meet local needs, while also providing sufficient specificity to ensure appropriate, comprehensive service provision.

The NASP Practice Model is one of four major parts of NASP's 2020 Professional Standards. The other three national standards include:

  • Principles for Professional Ethics
  • Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists
  • Standards for the Credentialing of School Psychologists

Full implementation of the NASP Practice Model is most often a multi-year process, particularly in states and districts that must build toward the recommended ratio. However, adopting the model as a framework for school psychological services and aligning personnel evaluations and professional development with the model allows school psychologists and district leaders to make progress toward comprehensive service delivery. 

Note. The relevant information and resources on this webpage will continue to be updated. In the meantime, many of the advocacy tips and strategies developed for the 2010 standards continue to be useful and can be adapted to reflect the 2020 NASP Practice Model.

NASP Practice Model Implementation Guide

Guide Cover