Position Opening: Editor-Elect of School Psychology Review

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is conducting a search for Editor-Elect of its flagship journal, School Psychology Review (SPR). Readership of the journal includes NASP membership and institutional subscribers.

Aims and Scope

Published six times a year, SPR, a refereed publication, draws broadly from a range of disciplines (e.g., educational, child clinical, pediatric, counseling psychology; education and special education) to advance research and inform practice in school psychology and related fields. In line with NASP’s goal of advancing effective practices to improve students’ learning, behavior, and mental health, preference is given to original, data-based, methodologically rigorous manuscripts that include a discussion of both relevant theory and implications for practice or policy. SPR is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in science, scholarship, and practice in the field of school psychology.

Portions of two issues each year are reserved for special series on themes deemed by the journal leadership team to be of major interest to school psychology. From time to time, guest editors are utilized when publishing special topics. The majority of journal space, however, is devoted to unsolicited manuscripts covering a wide range of topics.

All manuscripts submitted for review are subject to triple-anonymous peer-review process involving members of the Editorial Advisory Board and ad hoc reviewers.

Editor’s Responsibilities

The Editor of SPR is responsible for (a) implementing a shared vision that will advance the journal, (b) selecting and evaluating the members of the Editorial Advisory Board, (c) selecting and coordinating the work of the Associate Editors, (d) processing and evaluating manuscripts, (e) evaluating and selecting proposals for special issues, (f) maintaining overall quality control and content of the journal, and (g) communicating regularly with NASP leadership. We seek an accomplished scholar who will collaborate with the publisher to increase the reach and impact of the journal on the profession.

The Editor is a member of the NASP Publications Committee and works closely with NASP’s publishing partner, Taylor & Francis, as well as several NASP staff members. Support is provided to the editor to offset some costs associated with editorial duties (e.g., stipend, clerical assistance). Travel to the SPR Editorial Board meeting at the NASP Annual Convention is required and funded by NASP.

Editor’s Term

The appointment will be made by July 1, 2024. The selected individual may begin assembling the editorial team and learning journal processes immediately upon appointment. The formal term as Editor-Elect will be from January–December 2025 and as Editor from January 2026–December 2030. The 5-year appointment as Editor is nonrenewable. 

Application Process

A letter of intent and application materials should be sent electronically to the attention of

Martha Spath, Director for Publications Operations ([email protected]) no later than February 26, 2024. Materials must include:

  1. A current and comprehensive vita, including all professional publications, activities in professional organizations, professional memberships, academic preparation, employment history and related experience.
  2. A description of any previous experience and evidence of editorial activities, including familiarity with online peer review
  3. A statement of the applicant’s vision for and suggested approaches to the task of editing School Psychology For example:
    1. Projections regarding future trends in school psychology practice and research
    2. Potential future content for SPR
    3. Plans for implementing future editorial responsibilities, including communication with authors and contacts with the Publications Committee, leadership, and membership of NASP.
  4. A description of the applicant’s institutional/employment responsibilities if appointed to the position of That is, the applicant should provide information about the time that can be committed to editorial responsibilities. The applicant should be as specific as possible regarding obligations and responsibilities of current employment and their potential impact on activities required for Editor of SPR
  5. Verification by an appropriate institutional official of agreed upon arrangements for the applicant’s work as Editor of School Psychology Review. A letter must be included from the applicant’s immediate supervisor or higher administrative official documenting institutional support and any special arrangements, including financial, that may be provided by the employer if the applicant is appointed as Editor (e.g., released time, availability of editorial or graduate assistants).
  6. A statement that the applicant is a current regular member in good standing of NASP
  7. Three letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant’s professional and personal qualifications for the position of Editor, with one letter specifically addressing applicant’s editorial

Applications should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages (12 point type and 1 inch margins). Letters of recommendation and curriculum vita should be included in appendices and do not count against this limit.

Applications are due no later than February 26, 2024, and will be screened in late February through March 2024. The search committee will interview selected applicants in April 2024 via a virtual meeting platform. Appointment of Editor-Elect will be made by the NASP President, with approval of the Board of Directors, by June 15, 2024.

Individuals interested in applying for the position are encouraged to contact Dr. Shane Jimerson ([email protected]), current Editor of SPR; Corey Lee ([email protected]), Chair of the NASP Publications Committee; or Dr. Nikki Sutton ([email protected]), Strategic Liaison for NASP Board of Directors, with questions about responsibilities, resources, or the application process.

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