Training Outcomes and Evaluations

All individuals who receive PREPaRE training will gain a better understanding of the organization and function of a comprehensive safety and crisis team (Workshop 1) and/or the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the mental health needs of students and staff in the aftermath of a crisis (Workshop 2).

In order to evaluate the PREPaRE curriculum effectiveness, participant satisfaction and pre‐ and post-workshop data are collected as a standard element of all workshops offered. The documents provide summaries of this data for both Workshop 1 and Workshop 2.

Annual Evaluations

Evaluation Summaries

Program Summaries

Related Resources

PREPaRE: An Overview Presentation
This presentation provides a brief overview of the PREPaRE curriculum.

Alignment Between PREPaRE & U.S. Government Recommendations
Outlines how the PREPaRE curriculum aligns with the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) with regard to developing emergency operations plans.

Get answers to frequently asked questions about the PREPaRE curriculum, workshop logistics, associated costs, and more.

PREPaRE Brochure
Download and share this brochure with leaders in your school community to learn about the PREPaRE curriculum.

Contact PREPaRE

If you have questions regarding the PREPaRE curriculum, the logistics of hosting a workshop, or would like to order workshop materials, contact the PREPaRE program at [email protected].