2016 Presidential Candidates' Statements Regarding NASP Policy Priorities

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is a non-partisan professional association and does not endorse any specific candidate or political party. Rather, NASP advocates for public policies that align with our vision that "all children and youth thrive in school, at home, and throughout life." We offer school psychologists evidence based information, tools, and resources to support their work with children, youth, and families.

The purpose of this document is to convey NASP priorities and how they compare with the major presidential candidates' federal policy priorities on related educational and child/family issues. As provided in the past, information included in this document is taken from NASP Position Statements and other formal policy papers, candidates' official campaign documents, major party platform documents, and policy statements made at official campaign events or media interviews. The full citation, links to the complete document (when available), and other information are included at the end of this document.

NASP believes in the importance of participation in the democratic process and strongly encourages members to educate themselves on the issues in order to make an informed choice when voting. Although this guide contains information specific to the 2016 Presidential Election, readers are also strongly encouraged to become informed about the views of candidates running for other federal, state, and local offices.

NASP Letters to Presidential Candidates:

NASP has reached out to the Clinton, Trump, Johnson, and Stein campaign to share policy priorities as articulated in Ready to Learn, Empowered to Teach: Guiding Principles for Effective Schools and Successful Students and has offered to be a resource and partner moving forward.

Letter to Secretary Clinton

Letter to Donald Trump

Letter to Jill Stein

Letter to Gary Johnson

2016 Presidential Candidates' Statements

The purpose of this document is to convey NASP priorities and how they compare with the major presidential candidates’ federal policy priorities on related educational and child/family issues.