Approved Provider FAQ

Who is eligible to become a NASP Approved Provider of CPD?
National, state, and regional professional associations; commercial providers; public agencies; school districts; and non-NASP-approved school psychology graduate preparation programs. NASP-approved graduate education programs are regarded as de facto NASP-approved providers of professional development, and therefore do not need to apply.
What are the benefits to becoming a NASP Approved Provider?
Those who hold the NCSP need to obtain 10 of their continuing professional development credits from NASP- or APA-approved providers to renew their credential; thus, promoting CPD activities with NASP approval may improve participation. Approved providers will benefit from links on the Approved Provider directory on the NASP website and also will be assigned a provider number for use in promotional materials.
What is the initial application fee?
A $400 fee is required at the time of initial application. This fee is waived for NASP-affiliated state associations.
How do I apply?
Please review the Approved Provider policy manual and then download an application packet. All application materials must be submitted electronically.
When can I apply?
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
What should we do if we have never offered CPD before but want to become a NASP-Approved Provider?
You may still apply and submit samples of the forms and processes you intend to use for any upcoming activities. NASP reserves to the right to issue a conditional approval until evidence of successful implementation of those processes are provided.
We'd like to offer NASP-approved CPD for an upcoming event? How can we get approval for that event?
The NASP Approved Provider System approves sponsors that follow standards and implementation procedures and guidelines. While sponsors that offer only one annual event may apply, NASP does not have an expedited application process for single events, nor do we issue specific approval for one-time events. Sponsors must go through the standard application process.
Can individual speakers obtain NASP approval?
The NASP Approved Provider System is designed for sponsors that provide professional development. Individual speakers may apply, although they must demonstrate that they meet all of the procedures and guidelines, and can sufficiently address all of the infrastructural demands of being a NASP Approved Provider of CPD.
How long does NASP approval last?
NASP Approved Providers must renew every 2 years.
What are the costs for renewal?
The renewal fee is $150 for all approved providers, including those that had a waived initial application fee.
We only offer one type of session year-round—would that disqualify us from applying?
You are still eligible to apply, although this should be made clear on your application.
Why do you use the term “documentation of attendance” rather than “certificate”?
The issuing of a “certificate” implies an evaluation of knowledge, although most activities cannot attest to participants' knowledge gained. Rather, most can only document that a participant “attended” the activity; thus, NASP requires all sponsors to only provide “Documentation of Attendance” forms rather than “certificates.”
Do I need to request permission to provide NASP-approved CPD for every activity?
No. Once you obtain NASP approval, you do not need to request permission to provide NASP-approved CPD during your approval period. However, we are available to you if you have any questions regarding when it is appropriate to provide approved CPD.
If we become NASP-approved, must we offer NASP approval and follow the guidelines for each activity we offer?
No. You may offer some activities without meeting all procedural guidelines and not offer NASP-approved CPD. You may only offer NASP-approved CPD when the activity meets all of the guidelines for offering such credit. For example, to provide NASP-approved CPD, providers must ensure that their training is within NASP-approved content areas based on NASP domains of professional practice, require instructional objectives, evaluations, minimum qualifications of instructors, etc.
What are the guidelines for co-sponsoring CPD activities or events with other organizations or providers?
See the Cosponsorship section (Section P.) on pages 10 and 11 of the Procedures and Implementation Guidelines for the NASP-Approved Provider System
If we are a NASP-approved graduate program, can we offer NASP-Approved CPDs without submitting an application?

NASP-approved programs may offer NASP-Approved CPD to school psychologists without submitting an application. However, those activities must still meet all of the guidelines for offering CPD.

NASP-approved programs are not issued an approved provider number. Instead, programs can utilize language on the documentation of attendance form such as:

University of _____'s School Psychology Program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to offer continuing professional development. The University of ____ maintains responsibility for this continuing professional development activity.
Can we submit our renewal through the mail?
Applications are only accepted via electronic submission to [email protected]
How long will it take to hear whether our renewal is approved?
Renewals typically take 4–6 weeks to process
What forms of payment can we use for renewal?
Checks or credit cards are both accepted as forms of payment. You can enter credit card information on the renewal forms provided or call our office to provide the credit card number (301-657-0270).
How can we get a receipt for our initial/renewal payment?
Requests for receipt can be directed to [email protected] 

Please contact [email protected] if you do not find your questions answered here.