Policy Matters Blog

SPAW Virtual Hill Day, By the Numbers

Thanks to our amazing volunteer advocates, NASP's inaugural SPAW Virtual Hill Day was a resounding success! Here is a summary, by the numbers:

-18 states coordinated state virtual advocacy days, with numerous other states organizing other local advocacy-related activities. Way to go, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin!

-Nearly 1000 school psychologists from all over the country participated

-100% of the federal representatives were contacted in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

-At least one congressional representative was contacted in 43 states, plus the District of Columbia

-1769 letters were sent to state legislators, and 1369 were sent to federal congressional representatives. That means that, in total...

-Our volunteer advocates sent 3138 letters to their elected representatives yesterday across the country, asking legislators to expand access to comprehensive mental health services in schools and support measures that create safe and supportive learning environments.

Way to go, advocates and allies! You made a huge difference - and we've already heard stories of representatives contacting individuals for follow-up meetings. Don't forget to bookmark and regularly check NASP's Advocacy Action Center for more opportunities to advocate on the important issues impacting our kids.

Congratulations, and Happy SPAW!