Virtual 3rd Edition PREPaRE Workshops

We are pleased to announce that the guidance and adapted PowerPoint presentations for the virtual delivery of 3rd edition PREPaRE workshops are now available in the Trainers Section of NASP website. Also available in the trainer’s section are all third edition materials, including the full in-person PowerPoint presentations.

As a reminder, modifications for online delivery have only been made to third edition core workshops and are only available to PREPaRE trainers who have completed the third edition trainer upgrade workshop or webinar. We strongly encourage 2nd Edition trainers to upgrade as soon as possible, if you have not done so already. Please review the upgrade requirements here.

Virtual Delivery Requirements

Third Edition trainers will be able to access and download the updated PowerPoint and guidance here. Trainers must adhere to guidelines listed for virtual delivery.

As a reminder online delivery of a PREPaRE workshop will involve the following elements:

  1. Distance learning workshop sponsors will purchase the 3rd edition participant materials for each participant (and participants will receive all 3rd Edition materials just as they would for an in-person workshop).
  2. Distance learning workshop participants will follow the standard protocol for setting up a NASP PREPaRE Online account; downloading workshop materials; completing the online pretest, posttest, evaluation; and (for Workshop 1) watching an online video.  
  3. Certificates of attendance for the virtual workshops will be modified to indicate that they completed a PREPaRE workshop via distance learning.  
  4. Participants of distance workshops will not be eligible for the Training-of-Trainer (ToT) workshops until they have attended/audited a standardized in-person workshop. To be a PREPaRE trainer, and eligible to deliver the in-person workshops, individuals must have had standardized workshop delivery modeled for them. Individuals who take a virtual delivery workshop but wish to become 3rd Edition trainers will need to arrange to attend/audit an in-person workshop and provide documentation of attendance to NASP from that workshop trainer to become eligible to attend the ToT workshop. NASP will not charge any additional fees for this process. We will be providing more details on this process in the future.


Thank you for your participation in this important program. We appreciate your dedication to this work. Please let us know if you have any questions.


Steve Brock and Melissa Reeves

PREPaRE, Lead Authors


The PREPaRE Model

Related Resources

PREPaRE: An Overview Presentation
This presentation provides a brief overview of the PREPaRE curriculum.

Core Developers and Trainers
Learn about the authors and core trainers of the PREPaRE curriculum.

Get answers to frequently asked questions about the PREPaRE curriculum, workshop logistics, associated costs, and more.

PREPaRE Brochure
Download and share this brochure with leaders in your school community to learn about the PREPaRE curriculum.