Suggestions for Funding PREPaRE Trainings

Funding for the PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention training may come from a variety of sources. Schools or organizations may be able to use their professional development funds to send individuals to a PREPaRE workshop(s) or to host the training at their own school districts or organizations. PREPaRE workshops are valuable for all professionals who are involved in school safety and crisis prevention and intervention initiatives; thus school districts and organizations can also consider co-sponsoring PREPaRE workshops.

In these economic times, schools often have to find sources of funding outside their districts. Following is a list of potential funding sources, including information about grant funding (links to Nonspecific Funding Opportunities, Specific Funding Opportunities, and Information to Assist in Writing Grant Proposals) and Additional Options for Raising Funds. Please note this list is not all-exhaustive and if you find additional funding sources to be added to this list, please contact PREPaRE.

Nonspecific Funding Opportunities

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Community Impact Grants: United Way

Fundsnet Services Online

Institute of Education Science (IES)

Substance Abuse an Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

State Offices of Emergency Management by State

The Columbus Foundation: Small Grants Program

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Federal Emergency Management System (FEMA)

U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS)

Specific Funding Opportunities

The Allstate Foundation
"Grantmaking priorities fall into three categories. Our Safe and Vital Communities funding priorities are: Teen Safe Driving, Catastrophe response, and Neighborhood revitalization. Our Economic Empowerment funding priorities are: Domestic Violence and Financial and economic literacy. Our Tolerance, Inclusion, and Diversity funding priorities are: Teaching tolerance to youth: Fostering a generation free of bias and intolerance, Alleviating discrimination: Encouraging communities to be free of prejudice."

The Lawrence Foundation
"To date we have funded organizations that address the following areas of interest: Environment (US headquartered organizations operating programs in the US or elsewhere in the world), Human Services, Disaster relief (US headquartered organizations responding to disasters in the US or elsewhere in the world on an occasional basis), Other (US headquartered organizations operating programs in the US or elsewhere in the world)."

Learning and Leadership Grants: Professional Development
The (National Education Association) NEA Foundation
"Grants to individuals fund participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research; or Grants to groups fund collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment."

Sprint Local Grant Program
"Since 2009, Sprint has offered the Sprint Local Grant Program in the markets of Atlanta, Dallas/Fort Worth, Denver and New York City. Through the 2012 Sprint Local Grant Program, three local 501(c)3 organizations in each market are selected for Sprint Foundation grants (one each at $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000). Grants go to support programs that provide a meaningful impact in the Sprint philanthropic focus areas of youth development (including mentoring, leadership and academic achievement), arts and culture, and environmental stewardship."

Impact Educator Grant Program
Through the Impact Educator Grant Program, classroom programs in Lake County, Illinois, can receive up to $1,000 for promoting healthy lifestyles through innovative educational programs.

Associated Grant Makers
"AGM bridges the nonprofit and grant making communities by giving access to research and information to support your fund development program, providing professional development and networking opportunities for nonprofit staff members, and giving your nonprofit organization more visibility among and access to grantmakers."

New Mexico
Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation
The LANL Foundation’s Educational Enrichment grants are restricted to New Mexico public school districts. Eligibility and funding amounts are based on an annual census of employees of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and its contractors.

The Columbus Foundation: Neighborhood Partnership Grants
"The Neighborhood Partnership Grants (NPG) program is a collaborative sponsorship of The Columbus Foundation, United Way of Central Ohio, PNC, Bob Evans, and the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation. The program is designed to support neighborhood organizations and improvements in low- and moderate-income areas of Franklin County. Projects should be designed to be resident driven and are not required to be large or sophisticated for grant consideration."

(Funding Currently on Hold)

Safe Schools-Healthy Students Initiative

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools

School Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV)

Information to Assist in Writing Grant Proposals

The Guide to Community Prevention Services: What Works to Promote Health
"The Community Guide can be used by foundations, agencies, and organizations that wish to fund evidence-based programs and research in areas where there are evidence gaps. Those seeking funds for public health projects may also benefit by referencing Community Guide evidence, recommendations and findings, and supporting materials in their proposals."
Several tools and documents are available to assist in completing a grant application on Some resources include frequently asked questions, checklists, and tutorials.

K-12 School Grants
Ideas and resources for schools looking to apply for a specific grant, looking for funding opportunities, and/or beginning fundraising activities.

Sample Proposals
K-12 school grants provides links to sample proposals. These include proposals that have been successfully funded through grant opportunities such as the Emergency Response and Crisis Management Grant Program as well as Safe Schools/Healthy Students. This information is helpful for school personnel who are looking for more information about how to incorporate similar crisis preparedness and intervention language into their grant proposals.

Additional Options for Raising Funds

  • Sponsor a PREPaRE workshop and open it up to attendees who will pay a fee to attend (you can post the workshop on the NASP website).
  • Some counties may budget funds (sometimes provided by states) for projects that benefit children and families (check with your county commissioners/offices of education).
  • Local professional development funds
  • State school psychology association workshops
  • *Target Minor Donor Groups: Local organizations that normally give smaller amounts ($50-$500 per year).
  • *Affinity Fundraising Groups: Put together a network of people from the community who are interested in supporting training and will organize fundraising efforts on the school’s behalf. (Schools may be able to collaborate with the PTA.)
  • *Super Events: Launch the fundraising campaign by holding an event focused on fundraising. For example, each school within the district may hold a walk-a-thon around the same time with students and/or teachers collecting pledges.
  • Have students throughout the district create artwork. Sell the artwork at a school-based "art show" in which proceeds are dedicated to making the school a safer place.
  • Look for small grant opportunities: These usually vary by state and can be found using a simple online search.
  • Visit nation-wide and local private corporation and foundation websites. Oftentimes, local corporations and/or foundations may offer small grant funding opportunities to those organizations that share similar interests, values, or goals.
  • REMEMBER: Every little bit counts!

*Ideas gathered from The Fundraising Authority