Best Practices in School Psychology 7 (Print & Digital)

BP7 available in print and digital

Introducing the seventh edition of this prestigious, foundational publication in school psychology graduate training and practice. Best Practices in School Psychology 7 brings with it a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion; multitered systems of support; and problem-solving as a framework across all chapters. About half the chapters in this edition cover topics new to the Best Practices series and bring readers up to speed on contemporary practice.

Volume 1 establishes the series framework, and covers topics related to data-based decision making and consultation and collaboration. Volume 2 focuses on student, systems, and family services. Topics cover academics, mental and behavioral health, school-wide practices, safety and climate, and family collaboration. Volume 3 focuses on equity and diverse student populations, research and evidence-based practice, and legal and ethical issues.

New with this edition, the VitalSource Bookshelf version affords a much more interactive, portable, and accessible experience. See key features below. Available at the same price point as the print edition, the digital edition can be purchased for perpetual or 1-year access.

7 Reasons to Buy The New Edition

Number 1All Chapters Filter Content Through a Social Justice and Equity Lens

Number 2New Content Helps Demystify Contemporary Issues in School Psychology Practice

Number 3Critical and Emerging Topics are Addressed so You can Manage Pressing Issues in Your Caseload

Number 4Chapters Prioritize Evidence-Based, Multitiered Supports so You Can Prioritize Prevention and Universal Screening

Number 5If You Are in Graduate School or Fieldwork, Ground Your Training in the Practice Model

Number 6Use Discussion Questions for Study Groups or Curriculum Development in Graduate Training

Number 7Dig Into Topics Further With References and Suggested Resources

group of diverse teenagers smiling

Choose the Digital Edition

Pick Your Access Duration

New with this edition, choose from 1-year or perpetual digital access based on your anticipated needs. Need temporary access for a class? The 1-year access is only $149 for NASP members. If you plan to reference the chapters for longer than 1 year, the perpetual access is the best value at $279 for NASP members.

Enhanced Accessibility

Customize your viewing experience with 4 font size options, 4 different color modes, and a variety of font choices. Set your margins and line height for added white space on the page. Use text-to-speech to read the book aloud. Click directly to external content with live hyperlinks.

Interactive Notetaking

Use the global search function to find what you’re looking for within each volume. Highlight and color code important passages. Make notes in-line as you read. Notes and highlights also sync across devices so you can refer to them on the go. Create flashcards for studying or quick reference later.