How to

Sam Sifton

Grilling food over an open fire is one of life’s great pleasures, at least if you set yourself up for success. Here’s our guide to the fundamentals and a handful of techniques to perfect, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced cook, using either a gas or charcoal grill. We'll show you how to achieve the ideal grilled steak or tender barbecued chicken. Get ready to cook with fire.


  1. There are myriad folk tales out there about how to tell if meats are done, but the sure-fire way to do it is with a digital instant-read thermometer, an invaluable tool for grilling.

  2. Have a pair of tongs and a big spatula or fork on hand to move things around over the heat. Cheap kitchen towels or washable oven mitts also come in handy.

  3. If you don’t have a side table on your grill, it’s a good idea to set one up, so you can have everything you need to cook close at hand, especially if you’re grilling pizza or a dish with toppings.

  4. The best time to clean your grill is when you’re done cooking and the grates are still warm. The best tool for the job is a simple wire brush. Use the back of your spatula to scrape the bulk of the crud into the fire, then use the brush to scrub the grates clean.

The Charcoal Grill

Charcoal grills are available in all shapes and sizes and at nearly any price point, and you can even find them at the grocery store in high grilling season. They take a little more time to clean than a gas grill, and lighting them, either with lump charcoal or briquettes, can take practice. But the rewards are deeply flavorful.

  1. Lighting the Charcoal Grill

    The basic premise of a charcoal grill is always the same. You build a charcoal fire in the bottom of the grill, put a grate on top of it, and then get to work. Make sure to leave a portion of your grill free of coals so there’s a resting zone for the food that’s cooking too fast.

    The best way to build a fire in your grill is to use what’s called a chimney starter: a steel cylinder with a grate built into its bottom, and a stout handle on its side. Put two sheets of wadded up newspaper under the grate, and then fill the top of the cylinder with charcoal. Place the starter in your grill and light the newspaper. When flames are licking out of the top and all the charcoal is alight, carefully pour the coals into the base of the grill.

    Don’t have a chimney starter? Use lighter fluid. Build a mound of charcoal about the size of a shoe box in the bottom of your grill, apply lighter fluid to the pile, and carefully set it on fire. When all the charcoal is alight, use your grill brush or a spatula to rake the pile into position.

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    Karsten Moran for The New York Times

  3. The Charcoal

    Briquettes, the most common form of charcoal in the United States, are uniform pillows of crushed lump charcoal. They burn evenly and last quite a long time, and are a good choice for grilling food that will take a while to cook, and as a base for indirect-cooking fires. Adding a handful or two of water-soaked wood chips to a fire of charcoal briquettes is an excellent way to add smoke to a recipe that calls for indirect cooking. “Quick lighting” charcoal briquettes include a wax or accelerant that allows them to be lighted without a chimney or lighter fluid. Some feel they add an unpleasant flavor to food.

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    Karsten Moran for The New York Times

  5. Lump charcoal, which is almost pure carbon, is sold in chunks that light quickly and burn at very high temperatures, making it ideal for steaks and hamburgers. The downside of lump charcoal is that the high heat doesn’t last very long. The window for cooking over a hot fire of lump charcoal is small. If you are cooking with indirect heat, or want to cook something over a direct fire for a long time, charcoal briquettes may be a better choice.

  6. What to Cook on a Charcoal Grill

    Cooking on a charcoal grill imparts an impossibly rich, smoky flavor. Nothing beats a good steak cooked into a deep sear on a charcoal grill. Bone-in meats fare best over the coals, but do not shy away from a whole fish or sliced zucchini, in a grill basket if you prefer. And don’t forget the joy of a fire-licked summer burger.

The Gas Grill

For ease, the gas grill is unparalleled. It is powered by propane, and to light it, you simply turn a knob. Cleaning is almost as fast. But gas grills have their downsides as well. Here’s what you need to know.


    Sasha Maslov for The New York Times

  1. The Grill

    Gas grills are now the most common form of outdoor grill in the United States. They are powered by propane, which you’ll generally find in a 20-pound cylinder at your local hardware store or gas station. A gas grill can be bought for less than $150, although they can cost well up into the thousands. To light one, no charcoal or even matches are needed; simply turn the knobs. Maintenance of a gas grill is a little more time-consuming than for a charcoal grill. You may need to repair or replace the propane supply lines, ignition and grate at some point to extend the life of the grill.

    Grill snobs sneer at gas grills because they don’t deliver smoky charcoal flavor. And perhaps gas grills are not the best grill on which to sear a steak, or smoke-roast a turkey. But they offer excellent temperature control and are extremely convenient. Heat the grill with all burners set to high, then dial one back entirely to create a resting zone for the food that’s grilling too fast.

  2. What to Cook on a Gas Grill

    Everything fares well on a gas grill, but it’s particularly good for when you want the deep sear and flavor of the grill but want to avoid intense smokiness. Try it with seafood, fruit and vegetables. Roast a chicken sometime, or grill a pizza (we’ll show you how to do both.)

The Heat


    Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

  1. Cooking over direct heat means that food is placed directly over the coals or flame. It should be used for food that will cook through before it burns, like steaks, kebabs, hamburgers and seafood.

    Using indirect heat means that food is cooked on a cooler part of the grill without coals or flame beneath it, usually covered. It is essential for ingredients that need slower cooking, for smoke-roasting and for finishing food that you’ve seared on the outside and now want to cook through near but not over fire.

    When you build a fire in your grill, it’s best to do so with zones for both direct and indirect cooking. Even when you’re grilling a steak over high heat, you want a cooler area where you can remove it if it is cooking too quickly, giving you greater control.

    To create the two zones in a charcoal grill, build the fire under only half the grill. On a gas grill, leave one burner off. If your grill has an upper rack, you can place the food on it for indirect cooking (it’s far enough to count as indirect heat), but remember that heat rises and the ambient temperature at the top of the grill will be high.


Grilled meat is cooking at its most elemental. You can do so simply, as with a steak or chop seasoned only with salt and pepper, or you can add more flavors with a marinade or rub. As a rule of thumb, meats with bones will take longer to cook than those that are boneless; they also often develop a richer, deeper flavor over the fire.

  • Steaks are best cooked on a charcoal grill because they get significantly hotter than a gas one, which helps create the crust by which an excellent grilled steak is known. We recommend a thick bone-in cut, like a ribeye. Trim excess fat, so that it does not burn.

    Start by massaging a little neutral oil on the steak, then season it aggressively with salt and pepper and allow it to sit at room temperature while you build a fire. When all coals are covered with gray ash and the fire is hot (meaning you can hold your hand 6 inches over the grill for only a few seconds), put the steak on grill directly over the coals, and cook until deeply seared, about 4 to 5 minutes. Turn the steak over, and cook 3 to 5 minutes more for medium-rare.

    To take the meat’s temperature, insert an instant-read thermometer into the center of the steak without touching the bone. Rare is 120 degrees. Medium is 140 degrees. Well-done is 160 degrees. For medium rare, remove the steak from the grill at 122 degrees and allow it to rest, tented by foil, for another 5 minutes or so before serving.

  • We cook a lot of burgers indoors on a fat-slicked iron skillet, and you can do that on a grill as well. (Here’s our burger guide for more information and inspiration.) But sometimes you want a smoky grilled burger. For that, a charcoal grill is best. Use about 6 ounces of ground beef per patty, and choose meat that’s about 20 percent fat. Form the patties into 3/4-inch burgers, then make a deep depression in the center of each burger with your thumb. Season both sides of the burger aggressively with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    Place burgers on a hot grill and cook, without moving, for about 3 minutes. Use a spatula to turn the hamburger over. If using cheese, lay slices on the meat. Continue to cook until the burgers are cooked through, about another 3 to 4 minutes for medium rare. Remove the burgers from the grill and allow to rest for a few minutes while you toast the buns. Top the burgers as you desire.

    Lamb Chops
  • The rich flavor imparted by a charcoal grill is a compliment to the earthy flavor of lamb, and grilled lamb chops are just terrific.

    To cook them, trim excess fat, then rub the meat with minced garlic and season aggressively with salt and pepper. Place over the hot side of the grill for 2 minutes per side, or until nicely browned. Then move the chops to the cooler side of the grill to cook through, an additional 6 to 7 minutes, turning a couple of times.

    Baby Back Ribs
  • Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times

    You can grill baby back ribs relatively quickly on a charcoal or gas grill, flipping them often and basting them with barbecue sauce thinned out with water, which will then reduce on the surface of the meat, creating a delicious crust.

    Build a fire in your charcoal grill, leaving one side free of coals. When coals are covered with gray ash and the temperature is medium (you can hold your hand 5 inches above the coals for 5 to 7 seconds), you are ready to cook. For a gas grill, turn all burners to high, lower the cover and heat for 15 minutes, then turn burners to medium.

    Meanwhile, combine 1 cup barbecue sauce with 1 cup water and stir to combine. Set aside.

    Remove the papery membrane on the inside of the rack of ribs by inserting a butter knife between it and the meat and prizing it loose, then using your fingers to peel it off the rack. When the fire is ready, sprinkle the ribs generously with salt and pepper, then put them on the grill directly over the coals and cook for 25 to 30 minutes, turning every 5 minutes or so, and basting with the thinned barbecue sauce, until a peek inside shows that the meat no longer has any pink at the center. Take the racks of ribs off the grill, allow them to rest for 5 minutes or so, then cut them into individual ribs and serve.


Chicken is an extremely popular grilling meat, though it is more complicated to cook than many think. The best way to learn to do it well is to make bone-in barbecued chicken, which is actually grilled chicken with barbecue sauce. Then take what you’ve learned and apply it to chicken breasts, and then up your game even more with a whole roast chicken. As a rule of thumb, chicken on the grill always needs extra moisture, whether a marinade, a brine or a sauce.

    Barbecued Chicken
  • Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times

    Barbecued chicken does well on both charcoal and gas grills. For a charcoal fire, leave one side free of coals and when they are covered with gray ash and the temperature is medium (you can hold your hand 5 inches above the coals for 5 to 7 seconds), you are ready to cook. For a gas grill, turn one of the burners to high and one or two down to low or off, then lower cover and heat for 15 minutes.

    Season the chicken pieces — bone-in, skin-on, white meat and dark — with salt and pepper. Grill the chicken directly over the hottest part of the grill, turning the pieces every few minutes so they develop a crust and do not burn, for about 15 minutes, then move them from the hot side of the grill to the cool and allow them to cook until they are juicy, crisp and cooked through, an additional 15 to 20 minutes or so.

    Meanwhile, combine 1 cup barbecue sauce with 1 cup water and stir to combine.

    Apply thinned barbecue sauce when you turn the chicken pieces, allowing it to reduce on the chicken rather than burn.

    Chicken Breasts
  • Grilled boneless, skinless chicken breasts are popular fare, and they can be cooked easily on both gas and charcoal grills. To prepare them, first, use a meat pounder to even out their thickness, so there isn’t a fat part of the breast and a thin one. This will make it more likely that your meat will be evenly cooked.

    Then you can submerge the pounded breasts in marinade before cooking, as in this recipe for spiedies, or give them a quick brine in a gallon of water into which you’ve stirred a little less than a cup of kosher salt. (Either treatment will do its work in about the time it takes to heat the grill.) Because the chicken has very little fat on it, to cook them you’ll want to have a medium-hot fire and a clean, oiled grate above it.

    Skinless, boneless chicken breasts cook quickly — just a few minutes per side. If you’re using an instant-read thermometer to check your work, pull them from the grill at 160 degrees, and they’ll continue to heat through to 165 as they rest.

    Roast Chicken
  • Roasting a chicken on a gas or charcoal grill is one of the great simple recipes of the family-dinner playbook, at least when the weather is good. And you can cook for a crowd: two or even three birds can be cooked at the same time in this way.

    To start, you’ll need to cut out the chicken’s backbone, or splay it, which will lead to more even cooking of the bird – and to meat that is juicy throughout the breasts and thighs, with a definite tang of smoke.

    Here’s how to do that: using a sharp knife, cut the skin along the thigh on each side, where the legs connect to the body. Then splay the thighs open until you feel the joint pop on each side. Spread out the thighs out so they can lie flat the skillet.

    Heat a gas grill, or if you’re using charcoal, pile the coals on one side of the grill, leaving the other side empty and cool. As the grill is heating, place a cast-iron skillet directly over the coals or flame so it can heat up before you put the chicken on the fire.

    When the fire is ready, rub the splayed chicken down with oil, salt, pepper and whatever seasonings you like, and place it breast-down in the skillet. Cover the grill and cook the chicken 5 to 7 minutes, until the breast is seared and golden and easily releases from the pan. Using a spatula and tongs, carefully flip the bird in the skillet, and move the skillet to the cooler side of the grill. Cover again and roast for about 50 minutes longer, or until an instant-read thermometer registers 155 degrees in the breast.


For those who love seafood but don’t like to cook it, fearing that the scent will overpower their kitchens, the grill is among the greatest of gifts. A charcoal or gas grill at medium to medium-high heat is best for cooking all forms of seafood, from whole fish and clams and oysters, to fillets or shrimp threaded on skewers. A clean grill is crucial for cooking seafood, which doesn’t have a lot of fat, meaning it’s more liable to stick to the grate. Scrape and oil, always.

    Salmon Fillets
  • Sasha Maslov for The New York Times

    To cook salmon fillets or steaks, use a medium-high fire on a gas or charcoal grill. Season the salmon with salt and pepper, lightly oil the grate of the grill, then place the fillets skin-side up over the fire and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, until lightly browned. Gently flip the salmon onto its skin and cook for 3 to 4 minutes more for medium rare. You can cook a little longer than that, but do not overcook. For a deeper flavor, try grilling fillets on a cedar plank that has been soaked for a few hours before cooking. (And for even more information on cooking salmon, visit our salmon guide.)

  • Sasha Maslov for The New York Times

    Shrimp can be cooked on a gas or charcoal grill. To cook them, some people use skewers or baskets to help prevent the shrimp from falling into the fire. Whichever method you use, remember that shrimp cook quickly, particularly when they’re peeled — roughly 2 to 3 minutes per side for shrimp sold as “16/20,” meaning that there are 16 to 20 in a pound. Simply season them with salt and pepper, rub them lightly with oil, and then grill over direct heat, turning once. And remember: larger shrimp are better for the grill.

    Whole Fish
  • Whole fish can be placed directly on the grill or into a grill basket; choose the method you’re most comfortable with. To start, heat your gas or charcoal grill to medium, and rub the cleaned, gutted fish all over with olive oil and salt inside the cavity and out. Stuff the cavity with herbs, and lemon slices if you like. Grill over direct heat until the skin is crisp on both sides and the flesh is just opaque. If you’re not using a basket, use two spatulas to turn the fish. If your fish is very large, you might need to move it to the side of the grill if the outside starts to burn before it’s cooked through. Remove from the grill and allow to stand for 5 minutes or so before drizzling with more olive oil and serving.

Vegetables, Corn and Fruit

Vegetables and fruit benefit greatly from being cooked over fire. Unlike meat, there’s no need to season vegetables and fruit before putting them on the grill, although you’re certainly welcome to. The heat and smoke will bring out their sugars, increasing both their deliciousness and chance of burning, so extra attention should be paid.

  • Grilling gives the sweet flavors of asparagus an extra punch, and it’s simple to do. Place clean, snapped asparagus spears on direct heat, across the grate so they don’t fall through, and cook briefly, 4 to 5 minutes, turning frequently. Remove them from the grill and dress with olive oil, salt, pepper and whatever herbs you desire. A grill basket or skewers are useful if you’re worried that the asparagus might fall into the fire.

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    Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

    To cook corn on the grill is to enter into a world of debate: You can cook it shucked or in jackets, after blanching or entirely raw. There is really no incorrect method, and many take a middle ground, peeling back the husks on each ear, removing the silk, and then re-wrapping the corn with the husks, which helps prevent them from burning. But lately we’ve been following the teachings of the chef Bobby Flay, who recommends blanching shucked corn in boiling water for 3 minutes, then rolling it in butter and grilling it over a medium-hot grill for 5 minutes or so, until some of the kernels have started to darken. You can do this on a gas or charcoal grill.

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    Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

    To cook vegetables with a high water content, like zucchini, slice them diagonally into long, 1/2-inch pieces, and lay them on the grill over direct heat in one layer (no need to oil or season them yet). Turn them as they char and move them around the grill so they cook evenly. As they finish, transfer to a bowl and coat with dressing or olive oil and salt while they are still hot. Top with fresh herbs and toss gently before serving. This method also will work with eggplant, yellow squash and other soft summer vegetables.

  • Sasha Maslov for The New York Times

    Grilled peaches may be summer’s greatest joy. Cook them on a dying charcoal fire, or above medium to low heat on a gas grill. Cut the peaches along their seams, all the way around, and twist their halves off their pits. Brush the cut sides of the peaches with neutral oil and grill, cut side down, until the fruit has developed grill marks and started to soften, about 4 to 5 minutes. Brush the tops with oil, turn over and move to the side of the grill to continue cooking over indirect heat, an additional 4 to 5 minutes. You can add flavor by brushing them with maple syrup and bourbon, or molasses and butter. But if they are perfect peaches, they shouldn’t need anything at all.


Pizza and Breads

Bread cooked over or beside an open fire is among the oldest of cooking techniques, one that runs a course that runs from simple (toasted buns for hamburgers) to extravagant (pizza). You’ll want a medium fire on a gas or charcoal grill, and a very clean, oiled grate, so the dough doesn’t stick.

  1. Pizza

    When cooking a pizza on the grill, you’ll want everything you need close to hand when you start: the dough and a pizza peel to turn it, a pair of tongs, a pastry brush, a small bowl of olive oil and whatever scant toppings you want to use. Cut or grate the toppings small, so they heat through quickly, and if you’re adding meat to your grilled pizza, it should already be cooked or cured.

    Roll out or stretch the dough into a roundish shape. The thinner the dough, the more cracker-like the resulting pizza will be. For a chewy, crisp and pliable crust, about ¼-inch of thickness will do.

    Oil the grate and either drape the dough over the hottest part of the grill or slide it onto the grill with a peel. Within 60 seconds or so, the dough will puff slightly and the bottom will stiffen. As soon as grill marks appear on the underside, turn the dough over with tongs or your peel, and move it to the edge of the grill, away from the heat, or onto a sheet pan.

    Quickly brush the dough with some olive oil, and scatter and sprinkle toppings over it lightly: some minced garlic, say, followed by some grated mozzarella, a tablespoon or so of chopped tomato, and a handful of arugula. Drizzle with a little more oil and slide or place the pizza back on top of the coals. Cook, rotating the pizza frequently, for about 60 seconds or so, until the bottom is slightly charred and the cheese has melted. Serve immediately.

    This technique can be used for all sorts of breads on the grill, from feta-stuffed flatbread to naan.