Letter From the Editor: Introducing PS Health

Getty; Stocksy
Getty; Stocksy

I became a health journalist in 2009, right on the cusp of the wellness boom. Back then, "health" mostly referred to physical well-being. I was expected to write about how to avoid getting sick or manage your symptoms once you did. (For context: probiotics and turmeric were the hot wellness trends at the time.)

Over the next few years, I watched as people started to embrace the idea that health is more than what you see on the surface, but also how you take care emotionally and mentally. As the wellness industry grew, it also began to invite critiques — especially about who was welcomed in and who was excluded. These conversations, while painful at times, were and are essential. The health landscape changed again when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, throwing the vulnerabilities and inequities in our healthcare industry into stark relief.

All that history was on my mind as we developed the new PS Health. We wanted to go beyond providing answers and arm you with the guidance you need to make informed choices about your health. We figure that you know what makes you feel good; our goal is to give you information you can trust to help you feel even better.

A little more about PS Health: We believe health is a whole-person affair, which is why we cover it from every angle, including physical health, mental health, sexual health, and emotional health. We hype check the latest wellness trends, go deep in our reporting, and give you definitive information backed by trusted experts and up-to-date research. We also believe all bodies have a fundamental right to well-being, without stigma. We're anti-diet and pro-body neutrality, and we deeply respect our readers' bodily autonomy.

Above all, when it comes to your well-being, we know how important it is to be able to trust the information you're getting. We take our health reporting seriously. Please visit PS Health's reporting guidelines for more information about what we do to ensure the accuracy of everything we publish.

PS Health's new and improved Condition Center is the go-to hub for approachable and accurate information about your health, whether you just received a new diagnosis or are curious about what it's really like to live with a common disorder. From insightful personal essays to informative explainers, our content has been carefully curated with you in mind. After all, when it comes to your health, nothing feels better than being informed.

Wishing you well,
Mirel Zaman
Content Director