On the Issues
Headshot of Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump

Former President

His Supreme Court appointees doomed Roe, and he has privately supported a 16-week ban.

More than perhaps any other Republican, former President Donald J. Trump is responsible for the current state of abortion access: He appointed three of the six Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and the judge who invalidated the approval of the abortion drug mifepristone. But he has been loath to talk about abortion, and when asked about it, he has given muddled and contradictory answers.

His actions as president may have caused irreversible damage to the global climate.

Donald J. Trump has mocked climate science and championed the production of the fossil fuels chiefly responsible for warming the planet.

He says the war is not a vital U.S. interest.

Former President Donald J. Trump has said that the war “must end” but that “this fight is far more important for Europe than it is for the U.S.”

His policies cemented hard-line immigration stances in the G.O.P. mainstream.

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We are going to restore and secure America’s borders just

like we had them before —

best ever.

We built the wall and now we will add to it.

When I return to office, the travel ban

is coming back even bigger than before and much stronger

than before.

He has denied any wrongdoing and raged at the justice system.

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The baseless indictment of me by the Biden administration’s

weaponized “Department of Injustice” will go down as among

the most horrific abuses of power

in the history of our country.

I think it already is.

I will appoint a real special prosecutor

to go after the most corrupt president in the history

of the United States of America,

Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family.

Name a special prosecutor, and all others

involved with the destruction of our elections, our borders

and our country itself.

They’re destroying our country.

He promotes himself as tough on China, but his record and rhetoric are not so straightforward.

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I will implement a bold series of reforms

to completely eliminate dependence on China

in all critical areas.

We will revoke China’s most-favored nation trade status

and adopt a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports

of essential goods, everything from electronics to steel

to pharmaceuticals.

This will include strong protections to ensure China

cannot circumvent restrictions by passing goods through

conduit countries.

We will also adopt new rules to stop U.S. companies

from pouring investments into China

and to stop China from buying up America, allowing

all of those investments that clearly

serve American interests.

We’re not going to allow bad things to happen

to our country anymore, and we will eliminate federal

contracts for any company that outsources to China.

He deployed traditional Republican moves like tax cuts alongside protectionism.

As president, Donald J. Trump mixed Republican orthodoxy on the economy with populism.

He rolled back transgender rights while he was president, and he wants to go further.

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I will immediately sign a new executive order

to cut federal funding

for any school pushing critical race theory

transgender insanity —


and other inappropriate

racial, sexual or political content on our children.

I will keep men out of women’s sports.

I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation.

He has called for impeachment.

Former President Donald J. Trump has been the most extreme among the G.O.P. field in his position regarding the man who ousted him from office, calling not just for an inquiry to determine whether Mr. Biden committed impeachable offenses, but for impeachment outright.

He presents himself as a defender of union workers while denouncing union leaders.

Former President Donald J. Trump pitched himself from the start as an ally of the blue-collar worker. That message helped him make inroads among union members, traditionally a Democratic constituency, though his policy record on labor issues is mixed.

He says he wouldn’t cut the programs but hasn’t explained how he would keep them solvent.

Former President Donald J. Trump has said he would not make any cuts to Social Security or Medicare benefits. However, he has also opposed raising taxes to bring in more funding for them, which means his plans would not keep the programs solvent for the long term. A spokesman for his campaign did not respond to requests for comment.

He signed criminal justice reforms, but has endorsed extreme responses to criminal acts.

While his signing of the bipartisan First Step Act as president was a major turn away from “tough on crime” policies, Mr. Trump has repeatedly taken hard-line positions on crime that extend beyond the boundaries of the law.

He vowed to “fully support” Israel, but he has also criticized Israeli leadership.

ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR After Hamas attacked Israel in October, former President Donald J. Trump first blamed what he described as weakness from President Biden — but, days later, he criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Israeli intelligence, saying they had not been prepared.

He tried to overturn the 2020 election and still promotes the lie that it was stolen.

Donald J. Trump — the first president of the United States to refuse to accept the outcome of a democratic election — has sought both to delegitimize the electoral system and to dehumanize his political opponents, echoing language used by fascist dictators like Hitler and Benito Mussolini in describing liberals as “vermin” who threaten the nation more than foreign enemies.

He wants to close the Department of Education and impose ideological requirements for schools to get funding.

Former President Donald J. Trump wants to eliminate the Department of Education, a proposal he also made during his 2016 campaign, but did not try to get through Congress after taking office. He sought multiple times to cut the department’s budget, but each time lawmakers appropriated more money than he had requested.

He wasn’t successful in repealing Obamacare when he was president, but he says Republicans should “never give up” trying to do so.

Former President Donald J. Trump said in November that he was “seriously looking at alternatives” to the Affordable Care Act. Repealing that law was a major promise of his 2016 campaign, but Congress defeated such bills while he was president, and the Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the law backed by his administration.