On the Issues
Headshot of Tim Scott

Tim Scott

Senator from South Carolina

Tim Scott dropped out of the presidential race on Nov. 12, 2023. This page is no longer being updated.

He supports a 15-week national ban, and has left the door open to something stricter.

After some initial waffling, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina confirmed in April that he supported a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks’ gestation — and suggested that he would support an even stricter ban if Congress could pass one.

He acknowledges climate change but rejects most efforts to stop it.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina has acknowledged that climate change is occurring, once telling The Post and Courier, his home-state newspaper: “There is no doubt that man is having an impact on our environment. There is no doubt about that. I am not living under a rock.”

He supports military aid and says Biden hasn’t done enough, but he also called for “accountability” before sending more aid.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina told NBC News that Mr. Biden had “done a terrible job explaining and articulating to the American people” what the United States’ interests are there.

He is largely aligned with the bulk of the field and supports most of Trump’s policies.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina introduced legislation alongside other Republican senators to withhold funding from sanctuary cities and to redirect funding that Democrats had allocated for new I.R.S. agents to border security instead. Neither bill is viable in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

He calls the allegations serious but still says the charges are an anti-Republican “hunt.”

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina called the New York indictment a “travesty” and said the district attorney had “weaponized the law against political enemies,” an argument he repeated in almost identical words regarding the federal and Georgia election indictments.

He proposes to beat China economically through deregulation.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina has said that the United States is in “a new cold war” with China and, in an ad in July, called China “the biggest threat to America’s security.”

He has called for reducing spending and regulations.

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We have to turn the spigot off and stop spending money we

don’t have,

trying to impress people that are not impressed anywhere

in the world.

If we cut taxes back to where they

were just a few years ago, we can put $4,000 back

in the pockets like we did just a few years ago so

that you get to make your decisions on how

to support your household, and not expect the government

to figure it out for you.

He supports limits on sports participation but has been silent on some other policies.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina introduced legislation in 2022 to cut funding from schools that use pronouns matching transgender students’ identities without informing their parents.

He supports an impeachment inquiry.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina endorsed an impeachment inquiry in August. Asked on Fox News whether he believed there was enough evidence for “an official probe,” he said: “The answer is yes. The cookie crumbs lead right back to the Biden family, not just to Hunter Biden. We need to gather all the facts, all the information, so that justice can be served before the American people.”

He wants to “break the backs of the teachers’ unions.”

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina also had harsh words when asked about the United Automobile Workers strike. At a campaign event a few days after their walkout began, he criticized the workers for seeking higher pay for shorter work weeks.

He says he wouldn’t cut the programs but hasn’t explained how he would keep them solvent.

Senator Tim Scott said at a campaign event this spring that he would “never, ever cut Medicare or Social Security benefits.” But at another event, he also said that policymakers would “have to look at the overall entitlement state of our nation.”

He supports the First Step Act and some police reform, along with higher penalties for violent crimes.

The legislation is working the way it was intended to.”

He did not rule out sending troops to Israel.

ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina described Hamas’s attack in October as “an assault on Western civilization” and, like many Republicans, claimed falsely that President Biden had “funded” the attacks.