On the Issues

Where the Republican Candidates Stand on Abortion

Abortion has become a driving issue since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, coming up again and again everywhere policy is decided: in legislatures, courts, the Oval Office and voting booths in Kansas, Ohio, Wisconsin and elsewhere. Republicans are struggling to adjust to a political environment in which an issue that motivated their base for decades has become a serious general-election liability.

Headshot of Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump

Former President

His Supreme Court appointees doomed Roe, and he has privately supported a 16-week ban.

More than perhaps any other Republican, former President Donald J. Trump is responsible for the current state of abortion access: He appointed three of the six Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and the judge who invalidated the approval of the abortion drug mifepristone. But he has been loath to talk about abortion, and when asked about it, he has given muddled and contradictory answers.

Headshot of Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley

Former Governor of South Carolina Dropped out

She supports a 15-week national ban but also calls for more contraception access.

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If we want to talk about a federal law,

let’s talk about consensus.

Let’s humanize the situation rather than

demonizing the situation.

Can’t we all agree that we don’t want to see

late-term abortions?

Can’t we all agree that we should encourage

more adoptions and better-quality adoptions so

those kids feel more love and not less?

Can’t we agree there should be more access to contraception?

Can’t we agree that doctors and nurses who don’t believe

in abortion shouldn’t have to perform them?

And can’t we agree that any woman that has an abortion

shouldn’t go to jail and get the death penalty?

Can’t we start there?

Headshot of Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis

Governor of Florida Dropped out

He signed a six-week ban in Florida and supports a 15-week national ban.

After refusing for months to confirm whether he supported a national ban, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida said in the second Republican debate in September that he would back one at 15 weeks’ gestation.

Headshot of Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ramaswamy

Entrepreneur Dropped out

He opposes a national ban but supports six-week state bans.

The entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has said that abortion should be left to states while nonetheless calling it “murder.” He has said he supports six-week bans at the state level.

Headshot of Asa Hutchinson

Asa Hutchinson

Former Governor of Arkansas Dropped out

He has indicated support for a 15-week national ban, but outlined exceptions.

In response to questions from The Times, former Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas said: “I don’t foresee federal consensus on abortion legislation. I expect the abortion question to be handled at the state level.”

Headshot of Chris Christie

Chris Christie

Former Governor of New Jersey Dropped out

He opposes a national ban unless the states reach a “consensus.”

Former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has said he wouldn’t sign a federal abortion ban unless he saw a “consensus” at the state level.

Headshot of Doug Burgum

Doug Burgum

Governor of North Dakota Dropped out

He signed a near-total ban in North Dakota but opposes a national ban.

It’s amazing — we’ve spent 50 years of the pro-life movement fighting to have Roe v. Wade overturned so that the decision could return to the states, and about 24 hours later, the same people say, ‘No, now it’s been turned over to the states, now we’ve got to have the feds back involved again.’”

Headshot of Tim Scott

Tim Scott

Senator from South Carolina Dropped out

He supports a 15-week national ban, and has left the door open to something stricter.

After some initial waffling, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina confirmed in April that he supported a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks’ gestation — and suggested that he would support an even stricter ban if Congress could pass one.

Headshot of Mike Pence

Mike Pence

Former Vice President Dropped out

He is the staunchest abortion opponent in the field.

Former Vice President Mike Pence has been more open than most Republicans about his opposition to abortion.

Headshot of Will Hurd

Will Hurd

Former United States Representative Dropped out

He says he would sign a 15-week national ban.

Former Representative Will Hurd of Texas has expressed his support for a 15-week federal ban, while suggesting that he doesn’t think passing one is politically realistic. His campaign did not respond when asked if he would support a ban earlier in pregnancy if Congress could pass one.

Headshot of Francis Suarez

Francis Suarez

Mayor of Miami Dropped out

He supports a 15-week national ban with exceptions.

The exceptions supported by Mayor Francis X. Suarez of Miami include rape, incest and life-threatening emergencies. He described his stance to The Associated Press as “a position that will save a tremendous amount of babies.” (More than 93 percent of abortions are performed before 15 weeks.)