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The Inescapable Thingness

On the deep and universal desire for connection.

Married Life: A Romance

Will this be our forever?

Things in the Nineties That Sparked My Love of Houseplants

The bonsai tree from “The Karate Kid,” Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy, and more.

The Pros and Cons of Being a Children’s Author

Pro: Writing and drawing! Con: Writing and drawing.

America!: A Chaos Demon from the Underworld Shares His Tips on Streamlining Congress

I’m truly inspired by the surreal dysfunction of your Congress—but isn’t it a little over the top?

Writers, Writers, Everywhere

The protagonist in every movie I’ve seen this month has been a struggling writer of some sort.

Anthropology of the Playground

Once you start visiting the playground daily, you will become familiar with the regulars.

Recommendations from the Guy Who Works at Your Local Dispensary

Turpentine Gelato, Fiscal Daydream, and . . . what was the question again?

Ideas for the New York City Officials Implementing Rat Birth Control

Encourage male rats to recount the plots of “Dune” and “Dune: Part Two” on first dates.

Overheard in New York: Waiting for the Eclipse at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

“She’s a flat-earther.”