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Electronic Mailing Lists for Students

APAGS e-mail lists have been established as a member benefit in order to bridge communication among graduate students within psychology. APAGS has set up a number of listservs® targeted to student interests. The current APAGS lists are:

  • APAEMGS, concerning ethnic minority issues.

  • APAGSABILITIES, concerning disability issues.

  • APAGSINTERNATIONAL, for international students studying psychology in the U.S.

  • APAGSLGBT, a forum for students to discuss issues relevant to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender concerns in psychology.

  • PSYCGRAD, a general discussion list for graduate students of psychology.

If you have recently graduated from a doctoral program, we invite you to join the EARLYCAREER listserv, which is open to APA members who received their graduate degree within the past 10 years.

How to Join

To subscribe to any electronic mailing list, send an e-mail to the mailing list manager with the following in the BODY of the message (leave the subject line blank):

SUBSCRIBE <e-mail list name in capital letters> <firstname> <lastname>


The system will send you the instructions you need.  If you have any questions, or have difficulty subscribing, feel free to contact APAGS. Please be certain to indicate which e-mail list you wish to be subscribed to.  You can also call for more assistance at 202-336-6014. 

Important: Outside research requests or requests for research participants will not be posted to listservs maintained by APA. Please read our policy on the use of APA mailing lists for research.

*Any subscriber to an electronic mailing list can post messages that are then broadcast to all other subscribers. Most APAGS lists are "open" lists. Any APAGS member can join at any time automatically. A few are "subscription by owner" lists. When you request a subscription to one of these lists, your request must be approved by the list owner, in this case, members of the APAGS Central Office staff. Your request will be processed an you will be added to the list as soon as possible. All APAGS members are welcome to join any and/or all of the lists above.

Date created: 2008