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You are the present and future of psychology, and APA is here to help you shape your path to success and voice your concerns.

Your affiliation with APA and the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) connects you to resources and communities designed especially for you. APAGS offers all its members enormous opportunities to enhance their development as future psychologists.

How to join

  • Grad Students:
    When you join APA as a student affiliate, you automatically become a member of APAGS.
  • Undergrad Students:
    By paying an additional $35 in addition to your student affiliate fee, you may become a member of APAGS.

For more information about membership, see the APA membership page or call the APA Membership hotline at 1 (800) 374-2721.

Membership benefits

APAGS aspires to achieve the highest quality graduate training experience for the next generation of scientific innovators, expert practitioners, and visionary leaders in psychology. You are this next generation.

Make sure you have access to the critical tools available to APA members by becoming a member today.

Professional community

As a member of one of the world’s largest associations for students in psychology, you will have

  • Clout to shape the future of the field.
  • Representation in political and educational arenas.
  • Access to cutting edge science, practice, and public interest conversations.
  • Connections to people who, like you, want to better the world through psychology.

Funding and savings


Professional development

  • Serve on task forces.
  • Run for official positions.
  • Access the PsycCareers database and practitioner portals.
  • Converse on electronic mailing lists and social media.
  • Participate in convention programs.
Date created: 2008