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In the Dark

In the Dark
Long-form investigative journalism, hosted by Madeleine Baran.

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All Episodes

Episode 4: Hostage

Latifa was captured and returned to Dubai. Secret recordings shed light on her desperate fate.

Episode 3: A Nice Lunch

Aboard a yacht in the Arabian Sea, Latifa was briefly free. Then commandos stormed the boat.

Episode 2: Escape

After Princess Shamsa was caught trying to flee her father, Princess Latifa decided to make her own attempt.

Episode 1: Sisters

Why the daughters of the ruler of Dubai decided to escape his control.

“The Runaway Princesses,” a New Yorker Podcast, Exposes the Plight of Dubai’s Royal Women

A four-episode narrative series, from In the Dark, examines why the daughters of the emirate’s ruler have risked their lives to run away. Subscribers get early, ad-free access.