Joe Biden

"This is a moving target. It's got to happen quickly," the Maryland lawmaker said.
After the president's dismal debate performance, he noted that he “might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to.” AI could help with this.
Just one problem: This person doesn't seem interested in running, should the opportunity arise.
The president is working to assuage supporters, adding Tuesday that his comments were “not an excuse, but an explanation.”
James Zogby envisions a "month-long really, really hyper-energized campaign" to win over convention delegates.
Joe Biden "has prioritized politics over just and fair policymaking" on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former government officials argued in their first joint statement since quitting.
But the former House speaker said the same "legitimate" questions about mental acuity should also be asked about former President Donald Trump.
Doggett said Biden "failed" to defend his accomplishments in last week's presidential debate.
Maryam Hassanein, 24, became the youngest known resignee over Gaza after leaving the Interior Department over President Joe Biden's "dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims."
The longtime congressman from Illinois came closer than most Democrats to suggesting the president step down.