

Question Mark

The whys of aging for the baby boom generation.

The whys of aging for the baby boom generation.

  1. Why Am I at a National Park?

    Baby boomers are a critical constituency for the national parks, but they are also a graying one.

    By Eric Nagourney

  2. Why Am I Dining Out So Often?

    It was supposed to be younger people who were driving the restaurant business these days while baby boomers slinked back to their kitchens, but it has not worked out that way.

    By Eric Nagourney

  3. Why Do I Have Gout?

    If you end up with an attack of gout, prepare yourself for a round of blame the victim.

    By Eric Nagourney

  4. Why Am I Paying All These Taxes?

    No other generation pays as much income tax to the federal government as baby boomers, but generosity may not be the real explanation.

    By Eric Nagourney

  5. Why Do Boomers Love Baseball?

    The slow pace of the game that some younger viewers find off- putting may be the very thing that keeps older fans hooked.

    By Eric Nagourney

  6. Why Are Boomers Getting S.T.D.s?

    Many baby boomers who start dating again later in life find that sex is readily available. But so are some diseases.

    By Eric Nagourney

  8. Why Do My Knees Hurt?

    The first generation to exercise is getting an unwanted message from its knees: slow down. The problem may be your genes.

    By Eric Nagourney

  11. Why Am I Still Getting Pimples?

    High school seems so long ago, at least until you look in the mirror and see an old friend popping up on your forehead.

    By Eric Nagourney

  12. Why Is Gaia Angry With Me?

    When researchers tried to calculate carbon dioxide emissions by age group in the United States, baby boomers scored worst.

    By Eric Nagourney

  14. Why Am I Making So Many Pit Stops?

    Frequent urination for people as they get older may be attributed to a number of reasons including normal changes in the body.

    By Eric Nagourney

  15. Why Am I Getting Mellower?

    Baby boomers have plenty of complaints about the big things in life, but on the little irritants many find themselves becoming surprisingly accepting.

    By Eric Nagourney

  17. Why Am I Shrinking?

    The normal aging process, disease and gravity team up to chip away at a person’s stature, starting at about age 40.

    By Eric Nagourney

  18. Why Am I a Safer Driver?

    Baby boomers must be doing something right, at least when they get behind the wheel of car. Ask any insurance company.

    By Eric Nagourney

  19. Why Is Hair Growing Out of There?

    That may not be your father’s Oldsmobile out in the driveway, but that sure looks like his nose and ears in the mirror. Where did that hair come from?

    By Eric Nagourney

  20. Why Does My Food Have Less Flavor?

    If food does not seem to taste as good as it used to, the problem may be that you are losing your sense of smell as you get older.

    By Eric Nagourney

  23. Why Am I So Cold?

    Physiological changes or medical problems can make people more sensitive to cold as they age.

    By Eric Nagourney

  24. Who Told AARP About My Birthday?

    You’re going around minding your business, then comes the letter saying: “Hey! You just turned 50.” As if you didn’t know.

    By Eric Nagourney

  25. Why Am I Still on Crutches?

    Baby boomers get injured fairly often as they continue to pursue the sports of their youth, and when they do, it can take longer to recover.

    By Eric Nagourney

  28. Why Am I Back in Church?

    Maturation and mortality may be driving a generation of iconoclasts, or self-styled ones, to embrace religion again.

    By Eric Nagourney

  29. Why Am I Going Gray?

    The idea of hair “going gray” is a bit of a misnomer, as the only thing going anywhere is a pigment called melanin.

    By Eric Nagourney

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