

Question Mark

Why Am I Paying All These Taxes?

Baby boomers, stand tall! This is our moment.

Oh, sure: Plenty of Silent Generation members, Gen Xers, Millennials and maybe even a precocious Gen Zer or two on the Yahoo payroll will be heading to post offices next week to file their taxes. But none can lay claim to the boomers’ supreme act of selflessness:

We pay more in income taxes than any other generation.

Accustomed as we are to brickbats being thrown at boomers, we will now pause so you nonboomers can post thank-you notes in the comments section.

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Hmmm . . .

Admittedly, the research group that broke down tax payments by age, the Tax Foundation, failed to ascribe any noble motives to us.

Scott Hodge, the president of the group, left an impression that mere demographics, not the inherent goodness of baby boomers, was the explanation for the disproportionate tax load. “What this means is, the pig is moving through the python, if you will,” he said. The pig — that would be us.

Credit...Mike Segar/Reuters

In a report released last year, the Tax Foundation said that taxpayers over 45 now pay 70 percent of all income taxes, compared with 60 percent in 1997. For baby boomers, Mr. Hodge estimated, the number is about 50 percent.

It is not just that there are so many boomers. David J. Kautter, managing director of the Kogood Tax Center at American University, notes that as people get older, they tend to earn more, which is likely to give them a bigger tax bill. The Tax Foundation report said that the highest average income in 2010, $79,787, was found for people ages 55 to 65. The figure was $40,980 for people ages 26 to 35.

You might think this would help explain why so many younger people have a thing about baby boomers. But it probably has more to do with the fact that as boomers retire and throw themselves onto the mercy of the Social Security and Medicare systems, younger earners will find themselves on the bottom of a giant inverted pyramid. The math just doesn’t work.

And boomers who try gain sympathy by pointing to their generation’s big tax bill are unlikely to gain much ground, even if they are under pressure of their own. “Naturally,” the report said, “this raises concerns over the ability of this older generation to save both for their own retirement while financing the lion’s share of the cost of government.”

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Previous Question Mark columns can be found here.

Booming: Living Through the Middle Ages offers news and commentary about baby boomers, anchored by Michael Winerip. You can follow Booming via RSS here or visit You can reach us by e-mail at [email protected].
