Portrait of Emmett Lindner

Emmett Lindner

I report on trending news, whether it be a professional golfer’s gambling concerns, a TikTok influencer’s impact on a city’s dining culture or how preservationists are thinking about climate change.

Internet culture is constantly evolving, and I’m always curious about how different generations adapt. I spend what is probably an alarming amount of time online to gain a sense of what different communities are talking about, which trends are short-lived and which ideas could have a more lasting impact.

I grew up in New Haven, Conn., and have lived in different towns across the United States, with a brief stint in Copenhagen. While living in Colorado, I was the music editor for an online culture magazine, and I received a bachelor’s in English literature from the University of Colorado Boulder. I earned a master’s in creative nonfiction writing from Columbia University in 2019, and shortly after joined The Times.

When I report for The Times, I adhere to the company’s extensive ethics guidelines. My goal is to always give an accurate representation of a situation. It is also imperative to be empathetic with sources to allow for trust, which gives readers a more complete picture of what’s happening in their neighborhood or on the other side of the world.


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