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The Booming Blog Says Goodbye

After a year and a half, the Booming blog is ending, but much of its content will be found elsewhere in the newspaper and on the web.

Letter From Mobile

Remembering to Pray

Mobile Bay at the end of a January day.
Roy Hoffman

Mobile Bay at the end of a January day.

Finding my way back to religion, I find some prayers are composed in the sanctuaries of my making.

Stevie Nicks:
Robyn Beck/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Stevie Nicks: "If I’ve learned nothing else it’s that time passes and anger doesn’t do you much good." Here, arriving at the Grammy Awards ceremony in January.

The Creative Mid-Life

Stevie Nicks, Just Following Her Muse

At 65, she talks about vocal lessons, songwriting, the longevity of Fleetwood Mac and life on and offstage.

My Story

Enlisting Dad to Find a First Bra

Katherine Streeter

At 12 and in middle school, I worried that a bra was not in my future, but my father, who had to be both mom and dad, knew best.

Curtiss Anderson marrying Angela, the girl next door.

Curtiss Anderson marrying Angela, the girl next door. "I was still trying to find myself, but she stuck with me and always said she saw potential," he said.

Through four decades of marriage, Angela and Curtiss Anderson have learned to enjoy the journey.

W.D. Snodgrass, Pulitzer-winning poet, at Emory University in Atlanta in April 2008.
Erik S. Lesser for The New York Times

W.D. Snodgrass, Pulitzer-winning poet, at Emory University in Atlanta in April 2008.

My Story

Knocking Once Again on the Poet’s Door

A second interview with W.D. Snodgrass, this time near the end of his life, somehow brought things full circle.


For Some, Retirement Is Out of Reach. For Others, Boring.

Americans are retiring later in life, on average, but many members of the baby boomer generation say they find the very idea unthinkable.

From Our Children

Trapped by A.L.S., He Urged His Daughter to Fly Free

With my dad’s disease in focus, to cope with things I could not control, I set out to write a screenplay, determined to make the most of the time.

My Story

On Losing It (or Not)

As I get older, I collect examples of others’ memory lapses, as signs that anyone can misplace things without fear of showing mental decline.

I Was Misinformed

Fido Prefers Organic

Those exotic doggy treats may come back to haunt you.

Music Match

Protest Songs, From Seeger to Sting to Springsteen

Pete Seeger on the importance of protest songs, with samples from later generations.

Civil Behavior

What Does It Mean When a Gay Son Takes His Husband’s Surname?

Parents of a gay son who will be marrying his boyfriend are thrilled by the marriage, but less so that their son is dropping their last name.

Boomers and Divorce: Share Your Experience

Booming is looking for baby boomer couples who have split up and are willing to talk about how their lives have changed and what they have learned.

Our Newsletter

A New Way to Read Booming

Booming now publishes a weekly e-mail newsletter, highlighting a week’s worth of features.