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Stephen Colbert

Podcast Dept.

So Long, “Strike Force Five”

As the W.G.A. strike ends, so does the chatty, chops-busting podcast from Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver, Jimmy Fallon, and Seth Meyers. What, if anything, did it teach us?
The Current

Kirsten Gillibrand and the “Late Show” Presidential Straw Poll

On Tuesday, the junior senator from New York announced her planned bid for the Presidency in a familiar spot, sitting next to Stephen Colbert.
On Television

Michael Avenatti and the Mooch Bring Their Blustering Banality to Stephen Colbert

As the veteran camera hogs fielded questions regarding the insipidity of Michael Cohen and the narcissism of the President, they evinced no chemistry, thank God.
On Television

How Late Night Handled Trump’s Physical

Cultural Comment

All Hail the Achievement Beard!

Culture Desk

The Presidential Campaign and the New Late-Night Wars

Cultural Comment

The Colbert Rapport

Culture Desk

Life Without Letterman

Culture Desk

Getting Ready to Jam with Colbert

Culture Desk

Craig Ferguson’s “The Late Late Show” Will Be Missed

Daily Cartoon

Daily Cartoon: Friday, December 19th

Cultural Comment

Stephen Colbert Cheats Death One Last Time

On Television

The Host in the Machine

Tables for Two

The Writing Room


Who Am I To Judge?

Annals of Technology

Machine Politics


The Debate Debate

Visiting Dignitary

Evening Urgant