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Roe v. Wade

Letter from Biden’s Washington

Donald Trump Did This

On abortion, Arizona, and the 2024 Presidential election.
Persons of Interest

One of the Last Abortion Doctors in Indiana

Caitlin Bernard is risking her career, and her safety, to care for pregnant patients.
Daily Comment

The Lessons of Ohio’s Abortion-Rights Victory

Tuesday’s election results in that state and elsewhere offer fresh evidence of how the issue is likely to help Democrats in 2024.
The New Yorker Radio Hour

No More Souters

The unassuming Justice David Souter confounded the hopes of the Republican Party and inspired a backlash that changed the Supreme Court. A special episode from WNYC’s “More Perfect.”
The Political Scene Podcast

A Year of Change for a North Dakota Abortion Clinic

After the Dobbs decision that reversed Roe v. Wade, North Dakota and thirteen other states banned most abortions. Emily Witt visits one clinic that managed to move across state lines.
The New Yorker Radio Hour

North Dakota’s Only Abortion Clinic Leaves the State

Emily Witt looks at how the Dobbs decision forced a clinic to move across state lines. Plus, Alex Ross on the legendary film composer John Williams.
The Political Scene Podcast

Jia Tolentino and Stephania Taladrid on a Year Without Roe v. Wade

The staff writers return to The Political Scene to discuss the state of abortion rights and what has changed since the Dobbs decision.

In the Post-Roe Era, Letting Pregnant Patients Get Sicker—by Design

Fearing legal repercussions, doctors in Texas say they are risking grave patient harm to comply with new abortion restrictions.

The Expanding Battle Over the Abortion Pill

Republican state attorneys general are threatening action against pharmacies that dispense it, as a federal lawsuit challenges the F.D.A.’s authority to approve it.
Daily Comment

The Latest Attack on the Abortion Pill Is Forty Years in the Making

If a Texas lawsuit prevails, mifepristone will no longer be available anywhere in the nation, even in states where abortion is legal.
Annals of Inquiry

The Conservative Who Wants to Bring Down the Supreme Court

The lawyer who wrote Texas’s abortion ban has a bigger project—disempowering the judiciary—that may appeal to liberals, too.
The Political Scene Podcast

The Biggest Stories of 2022

Our roundtable looks at the most important political stories of the year, including the curtailment of abortion rights and the war in Ukraine, and how they’ll shape 2023.

The Secret Abortions of Texas

To end pregnancies, women are enduring clandestine medical procedures, gruelling travel, and fear of arrest.
2022 in Review

The Top Twenty-five New Yorker Stories of 2022

Our most popular pieces reflected the anxieties of the moment—but also the need for levity—and interest in an unusual way to retire.
The New Yorker Radio Hour

The New Abortion Underground

Stephania Taladrid reports on a network of volunteers distributing abortion medication to women in states that ban the procedure. Plus, Andrew Sean Greer on his new novel, “Less Is Lost.”
Daily Comment

The Sins of the High Court’s Supreme Catholics

The overturn of Roe v. Wade is part of ultra-conservatives’ long history of rejecting Galileo, Darwin, and Americanism.

The First Post-Roe Vote on Abortion

In Kansas, where the right to abortion is enshrined in the state constitution, an upcoming ballot measure could pave the way for a total ban.
Annals of Education

How the Federalist Society Won

The conservative legal movement was pivotal in getting Roe v. Wade overturned. But does it have any control over what happens next?
Second Read

The Real Backlash Never Ended

Three decades later, Susan Faludi’s 1991 feminist classic still shows us how to read between the lines.

​​Another Likely Effect of the Roe Reversal: Higher Health-Care Costs

Abortion bans could lead to more high-risk pregnancies, which could raise the price of providing health care to women.