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2023 in Review

The Year of Ozempic

We may look back on new weight-loss drugs as some of the greatest advances in the annals of chronic disease.
A Reporter at Large

Jordan Thomas’s Army of Whistle-Blowers

The lawyer and his clients have made millions by exposing one Wall Street crime after another. But are they changing the industry?
Annals of Technology

The Peril of Not Vaccinating the World

Absent a concerted global commitment to vaccine equity, the virus will continue to evolve, and humanity may be consigned to a never-ending pandemic.
Coronavirus Chronicles

Countdown to a Coronavirus Vaccine

The race is nearly complete, but distributing the doses will be a breathtaking challenge.
Daily Comment

Should Trump Have Been Given Access to Regeneron’s Experimental COVID-19 Drug?

It’s essential to remember that experimental drugs are just that: experiments. Many of them prove to be dangerous and are never approved.
News Desk

The Sackler Family’s Plan to Keep Its Billions

The Trump Administration is poised to make a settlement with Purdue Pharma that it can claim as a victory for opioid victims. But the proposed outcome would leave the company’s owners enormously wealthy—and off the hook for good.
Q. & A.

The Danger of Rushing Through Clinical Trials During the Coronavirus Pandemic

An epidemiologist and expert on clinical trials discusses what makes a good trial, why a pandemic is not the time to speed up the drug-approval process, and the most important fixes for our health-care system.

The Reporter Who Exposed the Opioid Crisis Has a New Book, but No Job

At the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in West Virginia, Eric Eyre’s career has been the stuff of quiet legend. But his work also ties into the deeper, darker narrative of local journalism.

Blueprints for St. Louis

News Desk

The End of the Open Market for Lethal-Injection Drugs

The Financial Page

The Roll-Up Racket

Double Take Dept.

Side Effects Vary

John Cassidy

The Pfizer–Allergan Merger Is a Disgrace

The Financial Page

Taking on the Drug Profiteers

Letter from Wichita

Prescription for Disaster

A Critic at Large

The Prisoner of Stress


Cruel And Unusual

A Reporter at Large

The Big Sleep

A Reporter at Large

Operation Delirium