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Humor & Cartoons

Shouts & Murmurs

A Brief History of Our Family-Owned Chip Company

It all started when Daddy bought too many potatoes.
Shouts & Murmurs

Reading “The Power Broker” Has Changed My Life

I’ve also found that the book works great as a tofu press or a yoga block.
Shouts & Murmurs

Parents in a Chain

The great zucchini-bread disaster of 2024 and other mishaps, on a group text of moms and dads after the library bake sale.
Shouts & Murmurs

America!: Republican Vice-Presidential Candidates Compete for Trump’s Favor in the Thunderdome

It’s the same as the real world, but more steampunk—so, worse.
Shouts & Murmurs

Self-Help Books from Ancient Times

“The Ultimate Detox from Feudalism,” “Stop Overthinking and Start Impaling,” and other gems.
Peruse a gallery ofcartoons from the issue »

Daily Cartoons


Cartoon by Bob Eckstein

With Pride

Culture Desk

How to Draw a Horse

To learn to draw horses, you can’t just want to draw them; you must NEED to draw them.
Shouts & Murmurs

Pride Celebrations for the Quietly Contemplative

Taking notes on RuPaul’s MasterClass as if there will be a quiz.
Shouts & Murmurs

Things People Think My Girlfriend and I Are Before Realizing We’re Lesbians

Sisters who look nothing alike? Escaped nuns? Tina Fey and Amy Poehler?
Shouts & Murmurs

The Best Floats at the Straight-Pride Parade

Women Who Have Always Dreamed of Getting Married at Disney World, Guys Who Scream at Their Girlfriends in Various Chain Restaurants, and more.



Meet My TV Boyfriend

A wood-panelled cathode-ray television set that lived on my bed—not as much fun as it sounds!
Blitt’s Kvetchbook

Send In the Clowns

Don’t bother, they’re here.
Shouts & Murmurs

Rating Strangers in My Neighborhood

The overly friendly Trader Joe’s cashiers, the dogs in baby strollers, and more.

The Best Scammy Self-Help Books of the Summer!

“Let’s Save Our Trees” (hardback edition!), the minimalist shopping guide, and other best-sellers by hypocrites.

More Humor

Shouts & Murmurs

Six Eerie Predictions That Early Sci-Fi Authors Got Completely Wrong

The Turbo Fridge, a shoe that does your taxes, and other future-tech that never came to be.
Shouts & Murmurs

Middle-Age Fantasies

Which is hotter? Talking geopolitics with the sexy nurse, or finding that the alluring young babysitter likes your unpublished novel?
Culture Desk

When Dads Cry: A Memoir in Man Tears

My wife sees it as an expression of feelings-friendly masculinity to be modelled for our two still-impressionable boys.
Culture Desk

Dry Ice and Rose Petals: An Entrance Fit for the Father of the Bride

And did I mention the fireworks? Lighting your way down the aisle!
Culture Desk

Lying to My Dad

I’d become everything to him—a fun-house mirror, constantly contorting to fit his needs.
Blitt’s Kvetchbook

Alito, Roberts, and Thomas See the Sea

Summer recess for the Supremes.
Shouts & Murmurs

It’s Time to Schedule Your Annual Friendship Checkup

What is your current employment status?
Shouts & Murmurs

What Are You Fond of, Samuel Alito?

My wife is fond of expensive men’s watches, Norwegian death metal, and private jets. I am not.
Blitt’s Kvetchbook

Bannon Behind Bars

He’ll get by with a little help from his friends.
Shouts & Murmurs

New Takes on Old Sayings

All is fair in love and chores.