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Downton Abbey

The Pictures

Branson Ditches Downton for Manhattan

Allen Leech, who plays the Irish republican firebrand Tom Branson on “Downton Abbey,” communes with his cultural past and talks Brexit on upper Fifth Avenue.
Shouts & Murmurs

What Is a Hit?: “Downton” vs. “Rambo”

The Crawley family receives an unexpected visit from a U.S. Army veteran, whom they suspect may be French.
The Current Cinema

Villains Hog the Spotlight in “The Laundromat”

Antonio Banderas and Gary Oldman enjoy themselves so thoroughly in Steven Soderbergh’s Panama Papers film that it ends up revelling in the outrages it purports to condemn.
Daily Cartoon

Daily Cartoon: Monday, March 7th

This Changing World

Final Curtain

The Boards

Report Card

Culture Desk

China’s Butler Boom

Shouts & Murmurs

Downton Football

Culture Desk

Dan Stevens in Brooklyn

Culture Desk

The 2014 Emmy Nominees in The New Yorker

News Desk

Nobody Said That Then! (Continued)

Culture Desk

The Return of “Downton Abbey”

Shouts & Murmurs

"€œDownton Abbey" with Cats

London Postcard

Ladies First!

News Desk

Abbey Down, Parade Up

Shouts & Murmurs

Downton Abbey: Season Four, Episode One

Culture Desk

It’s Toasted: Modernity and “Downton Abbey”

Shouts & Murmurs

Our Own Private Downton Abbey

Culture Desk

O, Matthew

On Television

British Airwaves