Risk Management and Campus Security

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COVID-19: Visit NACUBO’s COVID-19 resource page for information that can help your institution respond to concerns and learn more about how other colleges and universities helping students, staff, faculty, and their communities understand and address COVID-19.

Enterprise Risk Management Can Be a Strategic Opportunity (2013)
Author Mark S. Beasley focuses on the business officer's leadership role in strengthening the institution's risk management oversight process to take advantage of upcoming opportunities and minimize potential threats. Part of NACUBO's Perspectives series, this paper is free to members.

Business Officer Articles

Next-Level Compliance (January/February 2019) 

A case study on how to build an institutional compliance program that aims to reduce risk, empower employees and boost campus collaboration.  

Instant Support Group  (February 2018)

The ability to bounce back from a devastating and traumatic event takes mutual aid and—as important—the recognition that healing takes time.

Confronting Catastrophe (January 2018) 

Is your institution prepared for a major disaster? This article features an excerpt from NACUBO's College and University Business Administration publication with advice on business continuity planning during major emergencies. 

In Anticipation  (January 2018)

By incorporating enterprise risk management into strategic plans and campus culture, CBOs and senior leaders at two institutions are considering the unexpected—and crafting ways to minimize impact.

Campus Security

Resources regarding campus safety including the National Campus Safety and Security Project.

Campus Sexual Assault Prevention

Resources on the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act of 2013, including implementing regulations, White House initiatives and tools, and the latest ED department guidance on institutional compliance with Title IX.

Emergency Preparedness

A robust emergency preparedness plan is key to protecting lives, mitigating damage, and facilitating recovery from natural disasters and other emergency situations.


Liz Clark

Vice President, Policy and Research


Learn More

Business Officer

The Business Officer magazine is now available at www.businessofficermagazine.com.


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