
Drill math skills with basic, customizable chalkboard-style app

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Subjects & Topics

Math, Social & Emotional Learning

Price: Paid
Platforms: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch

Pros: Many customization options include choosing the type of problems, range of numbers, and multiple-choice vs. fill-in-the-blank answers.

Cons: Some kids may find the chalkboard-style interface boring, or the countdown timer frustrating.

Bottom Line: It's a solid practice tool for kids who don't need fancy visuals.

The variety of settings makes it possible to use this app for a handful of different levels and operations. Kids can get into groups and try to beat each others' scores, or you can award stickers after five minutes of quizzing. The saved scores make it easy to keep an eye on how kids are doing, and not everyone has to play at the same level.

MathBoard is a basic math practice tool that includes many customization options. A portion of the screen is devoted to a scratchboard, where kids can write numbers or draw representations of objects to help them solve problems. If they're stuck, they can choose to get a step-by-step explanation of how to solve the problem. Some of the customizable options include number limits, equation types, and whether tests should have a time limit. You can establish the quiz parameters by setting the options according to a kid's current math level. Parameters include operator types (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, cubes, and square root); number of problems, problem style, and answer style; number range; equation types (from simple to single-step algebraic); digit limit; time; and more. The app then generates individualized quizzes. Kids also have access to quick reference tables for basic math functions. Results can be saved for each student and then emailed.

The encouraging "ding!" that alerts a student that he or she answered the question correctly is counterbalanced by a rather annoying and startling "buzz!" that accompanies incorrect answers. Luckily, these sound effects can be turned off. Individual quiz generation and a built-in adjustment to incorrect answers, coupled with the ability to save results for each student, make this a very smart math tool.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating
The chalkboard-style interface may not strike kids as flashy, but they may find the ability to write numbers or draw marks to represent counting with different chalk colors fun and helpful for completing the problems.

Through repeated practice, kids can get some depth, and the app is responsive, letting kids know when they've gotten an answer wrong or right.

Math tables on the app can be helpful to kids when completing homework. A solid user manual can be downloaded for free, but only on iTunes.
Common Sense reviewer

App for Math skills

If you are simply looking for an app that focuses on the practice and mastery of math facts with no frills then this is for you. It can become very boring for the students since it's very monotonous. It would be good to use once in awhile but not on a regular basis as students will start to hate using it.

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