There are ample opportunities for students to engage in leadership positions through APA and its partner-organizations. If you have questions about a position here please email the current office holder by clicking on their name.

View APA boards & committees student leadership positions

Advocacy Coordinating Committee (ACC)

Position: Member
Board/Committee: Advocacy Coordinating Committee (ACC)
Current office holder: Nadika Paranamana
Duties: Help advance overall mission of ACC and APA advocacy office, engage in creative problem solving and engaging members via advocacy, and lead/attend advocacy related initiatives.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31 (2 year position)

Committee for the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)

Position: Past-Chair
Board/Committee: Committee for the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)
Current office holder: Blanka Angyal
Duties: Serves as a consultant to the chair in performing their duties. Oversees and coordinates the annual elections and appointment process. Serves as the EC liaison (for more direct mentoring/oversight) for one-third of the APAGS committee members.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31

Position: Member at Large
Board/Committee: Committee for the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)
Current office holder: Matthew Richardson
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31 

APAGS Advocacy Coordinating Team (ACT)

Position: Chair
Board/Committee: APAGS Advocacy Coordinating Team
Current office holder: Nadika Paranamana
Duties: Advance the mission of APAGS ACT along with 6 subcommittee members via advocacy related products/services, infrastructure development and advocacy within and outside of APA. Carry out responsibilities as a Full Committee Member of the APAGS.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31 (2 year position)

Position: Committee Member
Board/Committee: APAGS Advocacy Coordinating Team
Current office holder: Ellie Peskosky
Duties: Develop and disseminate student-focused advocacy resources and training and advocacy issues related to psychology; promote advocacy as a central tenet; consult; distribution information; attend PLC; provide feedback on projects related to advocacy.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31 (2 year position)

Position: Committee Member
Board/Committee: APAGS Advocacy Coordinating Team
Current office holder: Cathryn Richmond
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31 (2 year position)

Position: Subcommittee Member
Board/Committee: APAGS Advocacy Coordinating Team
Current office holder: Anthony R. Schmiedeler

Position: Subcommittee Member
Board/Committee: APAGS Advocacy Coordinating Team
Current office holder: Stephanie Miodus
Elected or appointed? Appointed

APAGS Committee for the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (CARED)

Position: APAGS-CARED Committee Member
Board/Committee: APAGS Committee for the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students
Current office holder: Sonia Rehman
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31

APAGS Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (CSOGD)

Position: Chair
Board/Committee: APAGS Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Current office holder: Emily Boswell Strain
Duties: CSOGD coordinates with APAGS-CSOGD members on projects that benefit LGBTQ+ and allied students. Schedule monthly committee meetings. Liaison to CSOGD. Attend APAGS full committee meetings.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 2021-Jan 2022

Position: Member
Board/Committee: APAGS Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Current office holder: Emma Kraus
Duties: Member - Identify issues of importance to ethnic minority grad students. Monitor and oversee cultural diversity initiatives, activities of APAGS. Develop programs, resources, activities to promote the needs of ethnic minority students, enhance competencies.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 2021-Jan 2022

APAGS Science Subcommittee

Position: Chair
Board/Committee: APAGS Science Subcommittee
Current office holder: Tatiana Bustos
Duties: Advocating for the promotion and integration of diverse and equitable science (e.g., retention, recruitment, training opportunities) across multiple psychological science organizations, including APA (across multiple divisions) and APAGS and students
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 (two years)

Position: Committee Member
Board/Committee: APAGS Science Subcommittee
Current office holder: Leanna Kalinowski
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Nov. 1 to Oct. 31 (two years)

APA Science Student Council

Position: Behavioral Neuroscience Representative
Board/Committee: APA Science Student Council
Current office holder: Leanna Kalinowski
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Sept 1 - Aug 31 (two years)

Position: Developmental Science Representative
Board/Committee: APA Science Student Council
Current office holder: Edward Scott, Jr.
Duties: The developmental science representative partners with the other SSC representatives to select Early Career Graduate Student Research Award recipients, generate blog articles, plan APA annual meeting sessions, and advocate for research students.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Sept 1 - July 31, on two-year cycles

Position: Clinical Science Representative
Board/Committee: APA Science Student Council
Current office holder: Julie Cristello
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Two year term

Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs

Position: Student Member
Board/Committee: Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs
Current office holder: Tasha Rhoads
Duties: 1. Participating in monthly subcommittee teleconferences, 2. Assisting with preparation and implementation of EMA-sponsored events (which includes an expectation to attend either the APA meeting or the INS meeting each calendar year)
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: 8/1/2020-8/1/2022


View APA division student leadership positions

Division 1 - Society for General Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: 1 - Society for General Psychology
Current office holder: Stephanie Miodus
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Division 2 - Society for the Teaching of Psychology

Position: Social Media Officer
Division: 2 - Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Current office holder: Kelly Cuccolo
Duties: This position focuses on disseminating teaching pedagogy related information through social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1- Dec 31

Position: Steering Committee Chair
Division: 2 - Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Current office holder: Maaly Younis
Duties:  GSTA Steering committee aims at supporting graduate teaching assistants and psychology instructors through disseminating resources, ideas and: 1- holding monthly meetings; 2- writing GSTA corner; 3- organizing social events in STP conferences.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1- Dec 31

Division 9 - Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)

Position: Graduate Student Committee Policy & Applied Work Focus Member-at-Large
Division: 9 - Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
Current office holder: Stephanie Miodus
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Division 10 - Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts

Position: Student Representative
Division: 10 - Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts
Current office holder: David Mattson
Duties: It has been my honor to serve as the APA division 10 student representative. My duties included attending division 10 leadership meetings, reporting on outreach efforts to increase student awareness of Division 10 activities, Div 10 Student Social.
Elected or appointed? Elected

Division 16 - School Psychology

Position: Convention Chair-Elect
Division: 16 - School Psychology
Current office holder: Ashley Ramclam
Duties: I assist the Convention Chair in planning the annual Student Research Forum associated with the APA Convention. This includes: creating the call for proposal documents, reviewing submitted proposals, organizing and managing the event day off.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1- Dec 31

Position: Diversity Affairs Chair-Elect
Division: 16 - School Psychology
Current office holder: Karissa Lim
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1- Dec 31

Position: President, Student Affiliates of School Psychology - University of Denver Chapter
Division: 16 - School Psychology
Current office holder: Jillian Talley

Position: President, Student Affiliates of School Psychology - The University of Arizona
Division: 16 - School Psychology
Current office holder: Marie Tanaka
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1, 2021 - Jan 1, 2022

Position: SASP Editor-Elect
Division: 16 - School Psychology
Current office holder: Stephanie Miodus
Elected or appointed? Elected

Division 17 - Society of Counseling Psychology

Position: Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS) Co-Chair
Division: 17 - Society of Counseling Psychology
Current office holder: Alexis Rhames
Duties: Oversees all meetings of the SAS officers of the host institution and of the SAS Executive Board, exercises general supervision of SAS affairs, prepares an annual and midyear budget, and has voting rights on the Division 17 SCP Executive Board.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: The University of Missouri serves as the host institution from 2019-2022, and thus my Tri-Chair tenure will end after the 2022 APA Convention.

Position:  Student Representative, Section for the Professional Practice of Counseling Psychology
Division: 17 - Society of Counseling Psychology
Current office holder: Joshua Pearl
Duties: Duties include attending leadership meetings, providing feedback centering student issues in section initiatives, assisting with student outreach and engagement, supporting the leadership team with various undertakings and administrative support.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: March 22, 2020 - open

Position: Student Representative, Section on Supervision and Training
Division: 17 - Society of Counseling Psychology
Current office holder: Nancy Gimbel
Duties: Represent student perspective, raise concerns and highlight interests of trainees/supervisees and supervisors-in training. Coordinate student poster session review on behalf of the section. Mentor rising student rep.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 2019-August 2021

Position: Student Representative, Section on Supervision and Training
Division: 17 - Society of Counseling Psychology
Current office holder: Kim Lawson
Duties: Support student rep and section initiatives, receive mentorship to prepare for serving as student representative.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 2020-August 2021 (then becomes the rep)

Division 19 - Society for Military Psychology

Position: Chair,  Student Affairs Committee
Division: 19 - Society for Military Psychology
Current office holder: Athena Jones
Duties: A student affiliate appointed by the Division 19 EXCOM to represent the general student membership for three years, and is currently serving in their second year.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: January 1 - December 31

Position: Chair-Elect,  Student Affairs Committee
Division: 19 - Society for Military Psychology
Current office holder: Ellie Peskosky
Duties: A student affiliate appointed by the Division 19 EXCOM to represent the general student membership for three years, and is currently serving in their first year.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: January 1 - December 31

Position: Past-Chair,  Student Affairs Committee
Division: 19 - Society for Military Psychology
Current office holder: Ethan Bannar, M.S.
Duties: Represents the general student membership within the student affairs committee and is serving in their third year on the committee.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: January 1 - December 31

Division 20 - Adult Development and Aging

Position: Graduate Student Representative on Division 20 Executive Committee
Division: 20 - Adult Development and Aging
Current office holder: Nicole Greenberg
Duties: Graduate student representatives participate in executive meetings and engage in meaningful networking opportunities to build long-lasting clinical, research, and academic relationships within and outside of the division.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 1 2020 - August 1 2021

Position: Graduate Student Representative on Division 20 Executive Committee
Division: 20 - Adult Development and Aging
Current office holder: Victoria Guinn
Duties: Notify mentor-mentee pairings of the mentor/mentee that they matched with; distribute post-program survey; summarize post-program survey responses.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 1 2020 - August 1 2021

Division 22 - Rehabilitation Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: Division 22 - Rehabilitation Psychology
Current office holder: Ted Allaire
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: 9/1/19-9/1/21

Position: Chair of the Student Leadership Network (SLN) Committee
Division: Division 22 - Rehabilitation Psychology
Current office holder: Ted Allaire
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: 9/1/19-9/1/21

Division 27 - Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: 27 - Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology
Current office holder: Jessica S. Saucedo
Duties: Manage student submissions to The Community Psychologist, coordinate award applications, budget student programming, and involve students in SCRA initiatives as needed.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: August 1 - July 31 (two-year term)

Division 31 - State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs

Position: Student Representative
Division: 31 - State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs
Current office holder: Erika Brink
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1, 2019-Decemeber 2022

Division 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

Position: Grant Subcommittee Lead, Presidential Task Force for Social Justice
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Rosemary Al-Kire
Duties: Facilitate annual grant award scheme for the diversity research and diversity scholars grants.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: June 1 - May 31

Position: Student Member of Division 36 Presidential Task Force for Social Justice
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Salman S. Ahmad
Duties: Attending meetings, reviewing statements, helping with the development and dissemination of our new research grants, facilitating discussions surrounding minority inclusion in Division 36, among others.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: February 2021 - open

Position: Secretary
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Daniel Lindbergh Lang
Duties: Keeps minutes from meetings, sends out agendas, meeting links, clarifies information, keeps folks informed and on the same page, updates the Google Drive
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Aug 1 - July 31

Position: Student Member of Task Force for Social Justice
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Greta Jankauskaite
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: July 2020 - present

Position: Appointed Member of Task Force for Social Justice
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Elena Kim
Duties: Advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging with Division 36. This entails meeting biweekly, establishing a budget, and active involvement in relevant projects (research grants, speaker series, literature reviews, social justice statements).
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: July 21 - July 20

Position: Student Member of Task Force for Social Justice
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Samantha McGee
Duties: Serve as member on social justice task force to collaborate and share information to DIV36 and wider APA division regarding current social justice issues that integrate psychology and religion/spirituality.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: June 1

Position: Member of the Social Justice Task Force
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Caroline Kaufman
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Position: Program Chair
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Caroline Kaufman
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Position: Social Justice Task Force committee member/leader
Division: 36 - Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Current office holder: Monica R. Jackson
Duties: Assist with identifying our goals and values; select DEI speakers, identify grants for diversity scholars, and religious and spiritual issues effecting our APA members/community-at-large. Discuss DEI topics for literature reviews and current events.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: July 202 - open (no end date)

Division 38 - Society for Health Psychology

Position: Student Chair
Division: 38 - Society for Health Psychology
Current office holder: Madeline Konsor
Duties: Oversees four committees (Communications, Membership, Diversity, Post-Doctoral) of the Student Advisory Council; Advocates for student needs to the SfHP Executive Board; Coordinates SfHP Student Programming at the APA Convention 2021; Student liaison. 
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August - August (coincides with the annual APA convention)

Position: Student Chair-Elect
Division: 38 - Society for Health Psychology
Current office holder: Nicole Arrato
Duties: Chair-Elect - Lead the student advisory council and serve as liaison to faculty executive board. The Chair position is a 3-year position. The office holder transitions from Chair-Elect to Chair to Past Chair, in order to maintain continuity from year to year.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August - August (coincides with the annual APA convention)

Division 40 - Society for Clinical Neuropsychology

Position: Student representative
Division: 40 - Society for Clinical Neuropsychology
Current office holder: Sarah Prieto
Duties:  Completed monthly article summaries of relevance to neuropsychologists be highlighted in Neuroblast and helped review early career grants.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Aug 1 - July 31

Position: Committee member
Division: 40 - Society for Clinical Neuropsychology
Current office holder: Julia Maietta

Division 43 - Society for Couple and Family Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: 43 - Society for Couple and Family Psychology
Current office holder: Tara Kellman
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August - July

Division 45 - Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race

Position: Campus Representative Co-Chair
Division: 45 - Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race
Current office holder: Linda Guzman
Duties: Lead monthly national conference calls with Division 45 Campus Representatives from across the United States focused on helping campus representatives either start, develop, or maintain their division 45 chapters on campus.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Aug 1 - July 1

Division 46 - Society for Media Psychology and Technology

Position: Student Committee Co-Chair
Division: 46 - Society for Media Psychology and Technology
Current office holder: Stephanie Miodus
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Position: Student Committee Co-Chair
Division: 46 - Society for Media Psychology and Technology
Current office holder: Stephanie Joseph
Duties: Plan, organize, and facilitate committee meetings; Liaison between student members and career/professional members; Development of student led programming; Marketing, advertising, and promoting organization and student-led initiatives.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: March 2020 - present

Division 47 - Society for Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: 47 - Society for Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology
Current office holder: Kirsten A Cooper
Duties: The primary role of a Student Rep is to effectively listen, collaborate, and communicate the views of all the students they represent. Similarly, we take the views from leadership in the division and disseminate it to students.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: August 15 - August 15, 2 year commitment

Division 48 - Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence: Peace Psychology Division

Position: Co-Lead of Student Working Group
Division: 48 - Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence: Peace Psychology Division
Current office holders: Stylianos Syropoulos, Jenna Walmer
Duties: The co-leads have created a student committee and are working to develop student involvement in the society.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: May 2021 - present

Division 50 - Society of Addiction Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: 50 - Society of Addiction Psychology
Current office holder: Samuel F Acuff
Duties: Represent student interests to the executive committee, coordinate student engagement, advocate for student initiatives benefiting both students and established psychologists.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 1 - July 31

Position: Senior Student Representative to the Executive Board
Division: 50 - Society of Addiction Psychology
Current office holder: Melissa Schick
Duties: Student representatives participate in organizing social events at the division's mid-year conference (CPA) and APA, review Student Research Grants, assist in the management of various Division 50 tasks, and serve as Chair of the Student Committee.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 1 - July 31

Division 51 - Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities

Position: Academic Outreach Committee Chair
Division: Division 51 - Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities
Current office holder: Karley Richard
Duties: Develop a database of resources (e.g., peer-reviewed articles, videos, syllabi, etc.) pertaining to the psychological study of men and masculinities. Connect professionals and researchers with the database.
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Position: Student MAL
Division: Division 51 - Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities
Current office holder: Kevin Silva
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 1-July 31 (2 year term)

Division 53 - Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: 53 - Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Current office holder: Natalie Finn
Duties: Co-chairs the Student Development Committee which is responsible for activities such as student awards, events, and communication.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31 Two year appointment

Position: Student Development Committee Member
Division: 53 - Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Current office holder: Emily Hirsch

Division 54 - Society of Pediatric Psychology

Position: Student Representative, Board of Directors
Division: 54 - Society of Pediatric Psychology
Current office holder: Sahar Soror Eshtehardi
Duties: The SPP Student Representative serves as the liaison between students and the Executive Board of the Division by serving as a voting Executive Board member. They are also the Chair of the division's Student Advisory Board.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31

Division 55 - American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy

Position: Student Representative
Division: 55 - American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy
Current office holder: Courtney Vaughan
Duties: The Board shall supervise and direct the affairs of the Division. It shall be the policy-making body of the Division and shall take such actions as are necessary to have such policy implemented.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31

Division 56 - Trauma Psychology

Position: Student Representative
Division: 56 - Trauma Psychology
Current office holder: Christin Mujica
Elected or appointed? Appointed


View ethnic minority psychological association (EMPA) student leadership positions

Society of Indian Psychologists

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Society of Indian Psychologists
Current office holder: Kristen Pyke
Duties: Some of the duties include student outreach and advocacy projects, community building and service, represent students at SIP meetings, and serve as student presence at APA.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: July 1 - July 1

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Society of Indian Psychologists
Current office holder: Erica Ficklin
Duties: Some of the duties include student outreach and advocacy projects, community building and service, represent students at SIP meetings, and serve as student presence at APA.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: July 1 - July 1


View APA international student leadership positions

Alberta, Canada

Position: WPA Student Council Member, representing California Polytechnic State University, SLO
Regional Association: Western Psychological Association
Current office holder: Rebecca Ann Slagle Luenser
Duties: Represent the WPA Student Council on my campus to promote and support student participation in WPA activities.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Oct 15-Oct 15

British Columbia, Canada

Position: WPA Student Council Member, representing California Polytechnic State University, SLO
Regional Association: Western Psychological Association
Current office holder: Rebecca Ann Slagle Luenser
Duties: Represent the WPA Student Council on my campus to promote and support student participation in WPA activities.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Oct 15-Oct 15

Manitoba, Canada

Position:  Student Advocate Director
SPTA: Manitoba Psychological Association
Current office holder: Amber Yaholkoski
Duties: Attend monthly board meeting, organize student committee, delegate volunteer tasks to the student committee, and host student mentorship events to connect students with psychologists in our province.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: June 1 2020 - May 31 2022

Saskatchewan, Canada

Position: WPA Student Council Member, representing California Polytechnic State University, SLO
Regional Association: Western Psychological Association
Current office holder: Rebecca Ann Slagle Luenser
Duties: Represent the WPA Student Council on my campus to promote and support student participation in WPA activities.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Oct 15-Oct 15


View regional psychological association student leadership positions

New England Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative for the Maine Psychological Association Policy Council
Regional Association: New England Psychological Association
Current office holder: Allison Tippery
Duties: Attending meetings and being the student liaison between MePA and USM school psychology students.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: May 1 - April 30

Southwestern Psychological Association

Position: Graduate Student Representative
Regional Association: Southwestern Psychological Association
Current office holder: Neha Shrestha
Duties: I participate in the Executive Council meetings and the Annual Business Meeting, and serve as liaisons for student members at large. I promote the image of the organization and encourage participation in the annual convention.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: April 2021- April 2022

Western Psychological Association

Position: WPA Convention Coordinator
Regional Association: Western Psychological Association
Current office holder: Denise Zavala
Duties: I do the WPA Must See Guide to the conference where I breakdown the conference for all students and faculty. I attend student council meetings to discuss anything related to the conference.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: March 1, 2021- May 10, 2022

Position: WPA Student Council Member, representing California Polytechnic State University, SLO
Regional Association: Western Psychological Association
Current office holder: Rebecca Ann Slagle Luenser
Duties: Represent the WPA Student Council on my campus to promote and support student participation in WPA activities.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Oct 15-Oct 15


View state, provincial or territorial psychological association (SPTA) student leadership positions

Arizona Psychological Association

Position: Graduate Student Representative to the Governing Council of the Arizona Psychological Association
SPTA: Arizona Psychological Association
Current office holder: Stacey Bouffard
Duties: Participates as a voting member in governing council meetings of statewide APA- affiliated professional organization.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: October 2020 - September 2021

California Psychological Association

Position: CPA Board Member
SPTA: California Psychological Association
Current office holder: Craig Grant
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: July 1st - June 30th

Position: CPAGS Chair
SPTA: California Psychological Association of Graduate Students
Current office holder: Craig Grant
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: July 1st - June 30th

Position: Director of Diversity and Social Justice
SPTA: California Psychological Association of Graduate Students
Current office holder: Alyssa Ramos-Chavez
Duties: Plan 2021 Cross Cultural Conference on May 22, 2021; Chair a Cross Cultural Committee; Promote diversity and social justice; Promote advocacy and graduate student participation in CPAGS.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021

Position: Advocacy Director
SPTA: California Psychological Association of Graduate Students
Current office holder: Sarah Elliott
Duties: Serves on the CPA Governmental Affairs Committee; coordinates state and federal legislative advocacy efforts. Coordinates student attendance at CPAGS’ Student Leadership & Advocacy Conference and CPA’s State Leadership & Advocacy Conference.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: 07/01/2020-07/31/2021

Position: Membership Director
SPTA: California Psychological Association of Graduate Students
Current office holder: Jaz Robbins, M.A.
Duties: Membership Director is responsible for initiating and monitoring recruitment and retention of members, reviewing all membership materials, reviewing and approving new members, and creating engaging student programming that promotes member retention.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: July 1 - June 30

Position: LACPA Board Member
SPTA: California Psychological Association of Graduate Students
Current office holder: Jaz Robbins, M.A.
Duties: As a member of the board and the Student Leadership committee, the student leader is responsible for creating student-focused programming that addresses the current needs of students while promoting the benefits of LACPA membership.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: January 1 - December 31

Connecticut Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative for Ethnic Diversity Task Force
SPTA: Connecticut Psychological Association
Current office holder: Asia Perkins
Duties: Coordinating student programming, assessing and advocating for student needs across the state, developing and organizing networking events, creating and disseminating promotional materials, and regularly attending student division and EDTF meetings.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31

Delaware Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Delaware Psychological Association
Current office holder: Fanny Mlawer
Duties: Serve on executive committee, represent interests of University of Delaware students on the DPA.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: No set dates

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Delaware Psychological Association
Current office holder: Christine Perndorfer
Duties: Serve on Executive Committee for DPA, serve as liaison between DPA and University of Delaware Clinical Science doctoral program.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 2020 - July 2021

Position: Social Media/Bulletin Committee
SPTA: Delaware Psychological Association
Current office holder: Fanny Mlawer
Duties:  Serve on committee to help manage DPA social media (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn), work to improve and increase readership of monthly bulletin.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: No set dates

District of Columbia (DC) Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: District of Columbia (DC) Psychological Association
Current office holder: Jaqueline Castaneda
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 2021-Jan 2022

Florida Psychological Association

Position: Vice President
SPTA: Florida Graduate Coalition for Medical Psychology (FGCMP) in conjunction with the Florida Psychological Association Graduate Students (FPAGS)
Current office holder: David Benitez
Duties: Assist FPAGS Chair (President of FGCMP) in advocacy of RxP efforts in the state of Florida. Other general organizational VP duties.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Aug 31 - Aug 31

Position: Chair of Florida Psychological Association-Division of Graduate Students (FPAGS)
SPTA: Florida Graduate Coalition for Medical Psychology (FGCMP) in conjunction with the Florida Psychological Association Graduate Students (FPAGS)
Current office holder: Rita M. Rivera
Duties: Florida Psychological Association Graduate Students (FPAGS) is the student arm of FPA and it has a voting seat on the FPA Board of Directors. Membership in FPAGS is offered to doctoral level students in good standing of APA-accredited programs.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: August 2020 - August 2021

Georgia Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative to the BoD
SPTA: Georgia Psychological Association
Current office holder: Mary Fernandes
Duties: Attend board meetings.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jul 1 - Jul 1

Hawaii Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Hawaii Psychological Association
Current office holders: Monet MeyerAshley Seki, Kat Bui
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: January 2021 - January 2023

Idaho Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Idaho Psychological Association
Current office holder: Shelby Weber
Duties: Actively communicates with students to promote an understanding of the purposes and objectives of the association and to foster cooperative efforts toward the attainment of common goals as well as promoting student involvement.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: January 2021 - January 2023

Position: Junior Student Sector Representative
SPTA: Idaho Psychological Association
Current office holder: Lillian Bengtson
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: January 2021 - January 2023

Illinois Psychological Association

Position: IPAGS Chair
SPTA: Illinois Psychological Association Graduate Students (IPAGS); Illinois Association of Prescribing Psychologists
Current office holder: Morgan Ferris
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Kansas Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Kansas Psychological Association
Current office holder: Bridget Kromrey
Duties: Serve as the student representative on the KPA board. Support outreach services.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: April 2021-April 2022

Maine Psychological Association

Position: Student Representative
SPTA: Maine Psychological Association
Current office holder: Liv Valö
Duties: Attending quarterly meetings. Communicating student questions and concerns. Reporting salient findings in student meetings. Organizing student presentations at annual conference.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Sep 1 - Aug 31

Position: Policy Committee Student Liaison
SPTA: Maine Psychological Association
Current office holder: Amanda Nalls
Duties: Liaison between association/policy council members and the graduate student community at the University of Southern Maine. Attended all MePA meetings, attended/assisted with PD, provided information to students, and authored newsletter article.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Sep 1 - Aug 31

Manitoba Psychological Association

Position:  Student Advocate Director
SPTA: Manitoba Psychological Association
Current office holder: Amber Yaholkoski
Duties: Attend monthly board meeting, organize student committee, delegate volunteer tasks to the student committee, and host student mentorship events to connect students with psychologists in our province.
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: June 1 2020 - May 31 2022

Michigan Psychological Association

Position: Chair, Michigan Psychological Association Graduate Student Committee (MPAGS)
SPTA: Michigan Psychological Association
Current office holder: Kelsey Hill
Duties:  Member of the Board of Directors and lead a committee to advocate for graduate student interests in Michigan. Develop events and initiatives to provide educational, networking, and mentoring opportunities for graduate students.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1- Dec 31

Minnesota Psychological Association

Position: Student Division Co-Chair
SPTA: Minnesota Psychological Association
Current office holder: Quincy Guinadi
Duties: Student representative and governing council member.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1- Dec 31

Position: Student Division Co-Chair
SPTA: Minnesota Psychological Association
Current office holder: David Van Engen
Duties: Student representative and governing council member.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1- Dec 31

Nebraska Psychological Association

Position: Graduate Student Representative
SPTA: Nebraska Psychological Association
Current office holder: Kailey Richner
Duties: The student representative attends monthly board and sub-committee meetings while engaging in projects of interest to support the aims of the state board.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: August 1- July 31

Nevada Psychological Association

Position: State Advocacy Coordinator
SPTA: Nevada Psychological Association
Current office holder: Cody Kaneshiro
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Apr 1 - Mar 31

Position: NPA Student Representative
SPTA: Nevada Psychological Association
Current office holder: Mallory Constantine
Duties: Serve as liaison between NPA and students at UNLV. Participate in disseminating info to students and recruiting students to participate in NPA events. Assist with preparation for annual conferences.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: May 2021 - May 2022

New York State Psychological Association

Position: Campus Representative Ferkauf PhD Program, New York State Psychological Association of Graduate Students (NYSPAGS)
SPTA: New York State Psychological Association
Current office holder: Natalie Dicker
Duties: Act as NYSPA(GS) representative within graduate training program and disseminate information, attend regular meetings, actively recruit new members, take necessary measures to train her successor.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1-Dec 31

Position: Secretary, New York State Psychological Association of Graduate Students (NYSPAGS)
SPTA: New York State Psychological Association
Current office holder: Lisa N. Cruz
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1-Dec 31

Position: Training and outreach coordinator, New York State Association of Graduate Students (NYSPAGS)
SPTA: New York State Psychological Association
Current office holder: Sara Babad
Duties: outreach, events, recruitment
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: 2019 - present

Position: Campus Representative, New York State Association of Graduate Students (NYSPAGS)
SPTA: New York State Psychological Association
Current office holder: Hannah Samson
Duties: Help develop solutions to issues that graduate students may be experiencing; Plan and host events for graduate students in New York; Oversee campus representatives from other institutions.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1-Dec 31

Position:  Chair Elect, New York State Association of Graduate Students (NYSPAGS)
SPTA: New York State Psychological Association
Current office holder: Ivy Gosnell
Duties: Support the Chair; Contribute to event planning and event running; Run meetings as needed.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1-Dec 31

Position: Chair, Graduate Students Division
SPTA: New York State Psychological Association
Current office holder: Daliah Ross
Duties: Preside at all meetings; Act as Chairperson of the Executive Board; Exercise supervision over the affairs and activities of NYSPAGS; Actively recruit, maintain and supervise Campus Representatives; Act as an ex officio member of the E-Board; etc.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1-Dec 31

Position:  Member at Large, New York State Association of Graduate Students (NYSPAGS)
SPTA: New York State Psychological Association
Current office holder: Rebecca A Kraut
Duties: Act as NYSPAGS Representative to NYSPA Council and, as such, attend NYSPA Council meetings, vote on issues as student representative, and act on behalf of NYSPAGS without Executive Board approval, when necessary.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: Jan 1-Dec 31

Ohio Psychological Association

Position: Chair
SPTA: Ohio Psychological Association
Current office holder: Stacey Henry
Duties: Represent students need within OPA, arrange student programming and learning opportunities.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: September 1- August 1

Position: Education Committee Chair
SPTA: Ohio Psychological Association
Current office holder: Alexandra Smith
Duties: Liaison to the OPA Continuing Education Committee- coordinates all aspects of student participation in the annual OPA convention, including distributing calls for student programming and coordinating the selection and scheduling and of programs.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: August 1- August 1

Position: Social Responsibility Chair
SPTA: Ohio Psychological Association
Current office holder: Allison Sylvia
Duties: Coordinate with committee members to plan and complete public service. Create content for public service announcements. Help to hold space for conversations about race and racism in regular virtual meetings with graduate students.
Elected or appointed? Elected
Term: July 1 - June 30

Position: Student Development Committee
SPTA: Ohio Psychological Association
Current office holder: Vacant
Duties: APA programming
Elected or appointed? Appointed
Term: Jan 1 - Dec 31

Oklahoma Psychological Association

Position: Board Member - Student Representative
SPTA: Oklahoma Psychological Association
Current office holder: Autumn Slaughter
Elected or appointed? Appointed

Pennsylvania Psychological Association

Position: Graduate Student Board of Directors – Advocacy Focus
SPTA: Pennsylvania Psychological Association
Current office holder: Stephanie Miodus
Elected or appointed? Elected