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Jemima Kirke says total parenting control is futileWeeks after coming home from the hospital with my first child, I would take the train into the city to see my mother. As I rolled the stroller along the narrow platform, I thought about pushing my...

Jemima Kirke says total parenting control is futile

Weeks after coming home from the hospital with my first child, I would take the train into the city to see my mother. As I rolled the stroller along the narrow platform, I thought about pushing my daughter onto the tracks and watching the train kill her. What stirred this thought was the absolute shock that the only thing between the life and death of my child was a moment’s impulse.

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Source: TIME
jemima kirke girls hbo time time magazine quote parent parenting family heart

Sunday Read: I Don’t Want to Have Children and That’s OK

“I want to make sure that, as the public conversation about childfree women rolls on, we who have chosen the childfree life because of abuse and trauma don’t get left behind, as “old-fashioned” examples, people who have nothing to in common with the cool, independent, modern role model women who are choosing to not have kids.“

Source: ti.me
children relationships childfree women family