18 Best Bathroom Plants For Any Space + Care Guides

By: Andrew Saladino | 8 min

Best plants for your bathroom hero

Whether you're looking to elevate your freshly renovated bathroom or want to spruce up a sad little powder room, plants are the perfect way to add some liveliness and color to a space. They also improve the air quality, boost your mood, and add a personal touch to your bathroom.

You can add a few small plants as little decorative accessories or turn your bathroom into an indoor rainforest by incorporating lush greens, hanging plants from the ceiling, and even adding a few to your shower enclosure.

Whichever way you'd like to incorporate greenery in your bathroom, we want to help you pick the right plants for your space. Read on to learn more about what these plants need to thrive and discover a few greens that will brighten up your windowless bathroom.

Best Plants For Bright Bathrooms

Besides the brightness of your bathroom, you'll also want to consider how much it gets used. This can affect the humidity in the room. Plants that thrive in humid environments will be very happy in a master bathroom where you shower daily and have windows that let in natural sunlight and fresh air.

Here are some of our favorite plants that will turn your bright bathroom into a green oasis. Check out the images for a quick overview on the amount of sunlight they prefer, how much water they need, and how advanced of a plant parent you should be to take care of these greens.

1. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo plant care guide.

Bamboo is a symbol of prosperity and luck and the perfect plant for a zen bathroom. This plant prefers moderate or indirect sunlight. You can grow it in soil, which should always be kept moist (not wet) or you can grow it in water. In this case, make sure the roots are always fully covered with water and refresh it about once a week to keep your plant healthy.

Bamboo thrives in warm conditions so a hot and humid bathroom is the perfect spot for this little green friend.

2. Gardenia

Gardenia indoor plant care guide.

The beautiful foliage and fragrant flowers of the gardenia typically grace the yards of homes in southern states. They're quite sensitive to cold weather which makes them the perfect plant for your humid bathroom. Also known as cape jasmine this plant can be grown indoors but requires a schooled hand to bloom in these conditions.

Even in containers, gardenias can grow up to six feet tall. You can keep them smaller by regularly pruning it. The plant's foliage can spruce up any bathroom but in order to bloom, the gardenia needs six to eight hours of direct sunlight. You'll want to water it when the soil is dry to the touch and feed it with acidic fertilizers like coffee grounds or tea bags to encourage growth.

Growing a gardenia in your bathroom may be a challenge, but the pretty sight is well worth the upkeep.

3. Bromeliad

Bromeliad indoor plant care guide.

In an eclectic or exotic bathroom, a bromeliad can add a pop of color. This plant regularly produces blossoms in yellow, red, or pink which will bloom for several weeks. Bromeliads prefer humid environments and will thrive in a bathroom that provides good air circulation, as well as bright, indirect sunlight. To keep the air fresh, you can run your exhaust fan or open your window during the warmer months.

If your bromeliad is looking a bit sad, feed it with orchid fertilizer and make sure not to overwater it. This plant is happiest if you fill the bottom cup where the leaves form with water about once a week, or simply moisten the soil it sits in. You'll want to plant it in a soil that drains well to avoid root rot so you can enjoy these pretty flowers for a long time.

4. Spider Plant

Spider plant indoor plant care guide.

If you're looking to add a low maintenance plant to your bathroom that still provides you with luscious green foliage, the spider plant will be your best friend. Try to place it in bright, indirect light and water it whenever the soil gets too dry. Spider plants prefer dry soil over moisture. You can cut brown ends or dying leaves and also propagate (multiply) this plant easily by dividing the mother plant and planting one of the small spiderettes in a separate container.

5. Dracaena

Dracaena plant indoor plant care guide.

The dracaena or dragon tree thrives in high humidity and is happiest with low to medium indirect light conditions. This beginner-friendly plant tolerates a lot and will survive happily if you forget to water it for a couple of weeks. In fact, the dracaena prefers dry periods every now and then and shouldn't be watered to the point that the soil gets soggy. The dracaena top looks a bit like a mini palm tree and the green leaves tend to have red edges, making it a beautiful plant to decorate your bathroom with.

6. Air Plant

Air Plant indoor plant care guide.

Like the name suggests, air plants don't live in soil. They thrive in moderate to high humidity and are a lot easier to care for because you don't have to mist and water them as frequently as other plants. Every one to two weeks, you'll want to soak your air plant in room temperature water for 5–10 minutes. After its bath, let the air plant dry upside down before placing it back into the container or hanging it directing from the ceiling.

Your air plant will be happiest in bright, indirect sunlight.

7. Begonia

Begonia indoor plant care guide.

The foliage of begonias comes in a variety of colors from light to dark green, bronze, and even multi-colored. To bloom, these plants need a mixture of bright and direct sunlight, so place them close to an east or south facing window. Begonias appreciate warm and humid conditions which they'll likely get in a master bathroom.

Plant your begonia in well-draining soil and water them only when they begin to look dry. This will avoid root rot which can cause fungal disease or kill your begonia.

8. Croton

Croton indoor plant care guide.

In tropical climates, the croton can be grown outdoors. If you want to keep one indoors, your bathroom will help create a humid and warm environment ideal for them to thrive in. This plant comes in a variety of colors and leaf shapes. The dark green leaves often have hints of yellow, red, orange, or pink that make for a pretty accessory in your bathroom.

Make sure to check the light requirements for the species of croton you have, as it can vary from low light to bright indirect light. Generally, the more colors your croton displays, the more light it will enjoy. Soak the pot in water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch and empty the saucer after the water has drained through the soil to avoid root rot.

9. Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig indoor plant care guide.

A weeping fig can grow up to six feet tall indoors and makes for a beautiful bathroom plant. Because it needs bright, indirect sunlight, it's best to place your weeping fig near a window. You'll want to keep this plant moist, in a bathroom that doesn't get too humid, and remember to mist it with water every two to five days.

During the winter, you can let the soil dry out for a few days before watering. The rest of the year, you should water your weeping fig whenever the first two to three inches of the soil are dry to the touch.

10. Philodendron

Philodendron indoor plant care guide.

Whether you're a new or an experienced plant parent, an indoor philodendron will bring a lot of joy into your home. This plant is great for all levels of gardening expertise as it will show you exactly what it needs.

Your philodendron will love a spot where it gets bright, indirect sunlight. If the leaves start to get yellow, place it in a location where it gets less light exposure. Let the soil of your philodendron slightly dry out between waterings (the top inch should be dry) or the leaves will droop.

You can get a blushing or heartleaf philodendron that won't need a support structure to climb up your bathroom walls or buy a bird's nest philodendron that will stay in its place as it grows.

Best Plants For Bathrooms With No Windows

While a grand bathroom with large windows is nice, it's not a given for everyone. This doesn't mean that you can't have plants in there that will survive! Whether it's your windowless apartment bathroom, or a dry powder room that doesn't get much use, some plants still do well in darker and less humid environments.

The best way to keep plants alive in a windowless bathroom is to invest in a fluorescent light. Alternatively, you can rotate your plants around the house so they get some sunlight every few days or weeks. Just don't overcompensate by placing your plants in direct sunlight as this can burn your plant's leaves and do more harm than good.

Here are some of the best plants to decorate your dark bathroom with.

11. Snake Plant

Snake Plant indoor plant care guide.

Also known as mother-in-law's tongue, the snake plant isn't easily bothered by less than ideal conditions. Although it prefers bright, indirect light, it can also grow in shady corners or your windowless bathroom. The snake plant enjoys a warm and humid environment and needs to be watered whenever the top two inches of soil are dry.

In ideal conditions, the snake plant can grow up to four feet high—making it the perfect eyecatcher in an otherwise minimalist bathroom.

12. Orchid

Orchid indoor plant care guide.

Orchids are available in hundreds of species and are one of the prettiest plants to keep in your bathroom. Most orchids are planted in a mixture of bark, moss, and rocks which allows them to drain properly and avoid root rot.

While orchids need sunlight to bloom, an already blooming orchid will do just fine in your dark bathroom. Water it about once a week by fully submerging the roots in water for a few minutes. If you don't use the bathroom to take regular showers, keep the plant moist by misting it every couple of days.

Depending on the orchid, it can decorate your bathroom with pretty pink, white, purple, or even orange blossoms. When all blossoms have fallen off the orchid, you can prune, repot, and relocate it to a bright spot until it blooms again.

13. Pothos

Pothos indoor plant care guide.

Another pretty and low-maintenance plant is the pothos. With its heart-shaped leaves and six to ten feet long vines, it can be used in a variety of ways to decorate your bathroom. You can place it on a shady windowsill, on the top of a cabinet, or hang it from the ceiling.

The pothos is almost indestructible and will bush out if you trim it right above a leaf. The plant prefers bright light but can survive in near to full shade. You can grow this plant in soil or in water, which makes it even easier to care for your pothos. In soil, you'll want to water the plant every few weeks, if placed in a container of water, you'll want to refill it whenever it dries out.

14. Ferns

Ferns indoor plant care guide.

In the wild, ferns tend to grow in shady rainforests. Your dark bathroom emulates this environment perfectly. Rabbit foot ferns or blue star ferns are pretty, lush plants that thrive in high humidity and will do fine in low light conditions. Invest in a fluorescent light or give the plant a break in moderate to indirect sunlight every now and then to keep it happy.

In a powder or guest bathroom, you'll want to mist the ferns regularly to make up for the missing humidity. If you water your fern just a little bit every day, the soil will remain moist but not get soggy, offering ideal circumstances for your fern.

15. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen indoor plant care guide.

The Chinese evergreen is one of the easiest plants to grow, especially when you're a beginner. Although it prefers medium to low sunlight, this durable indoor plant can tolerate less than ideal light conditions and also won't die on you if you neglect it for a few weeks. You'll want the soil to dry out a bit before watering your Chinese evergreen to avoid overwatering and root rot. In a humid bathroom, this can take a while.

The Chinese evergreen is also a great plant to have in your kitchen! Check out our full guide to the best kitchen plants if you're looking to spruce up more rooms in your home.

16. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera indoor plant care guide.

This succulent likes it warm and prefers bright, indirect light. However, it can survive in a darker bathroom for a while and will bring you joy for a longer time if you regularly rotate it to a brighter spot in your home where it can recover from sitting in the dark.

Like most succulents, aloe vera doesn't need much water. Allow the top third of the soil to dry out, then water it thoroughly. An added benefit of having an aloe vera plant in your bathroom: the gel inside of the leaves provides great relief from itchy or sunburnt skin!

17. Peace Lily

Peace Lily indoor plant care guide.

Peace lilies prefer medium to low light conditions and will do just fine in a darker bathroom. This plant thrives in humid conditions and will need less watering if it lives in a bathroom that gets used often. If you want your peace lily to bloom, make sure it gets some indirect sunlight, but the luscious green leaves alone will create a beautiful piece of decor in your bathroom too.

If you're afraid to overwater your peace lily, simply wait until the leaves start drooping a little bit. Then, water the plant thoroughly and make sure the water can drain from the pot. Your plant will recover very quickly and continue to brighten your dark bathroom.

17. ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant indoor plant care guide.

ZZ plants, also called zanzibar gem or zizi plant, can grow up to five feet tall and are very easy to care for. This plant enjoys bright, indirect sunlight, but can also survive in low-light conditions. If you want to promote plant growth, set it under a fluorescent light.

You'll want to avoid letting your ZZ plant sit in water as this can cause the stem and rhizome to rot. Instead, let it dry out (for up to two months if you forget) and then water it.

Bathroom Plants FAQs

We hope you love some of the plants we suggested above and are now inspired to add some greenery to your bathroom. If you have open questions about the upkeep of your plants in the bathroom, check out the answers below.

What plants live well in a bathroom?

Plants that originated in the rainforest like ferns, monsteras, or snake plants will thrive in your humid bathroom. In a powder room or guest bathroom that stays fairly dry, you'll want to mist these plants regularly to keep them happy.

What plants can live in the shower?

Air plants, spider plants, and pothos are great plants to hang in your shower. Turning your shower into a rainforest garden will not only boost your mood, but also minimizes the effort you need to put into the plant's survival as they will get plenty of moisture from your showers. For additional health benefits, hang some dried eucalyptus from your shower head. The steam will activate and release eucalyptus oil, clear up your sinuses, and make your bathroom smell like a spa.

What plants can I put in a bathroom without windows?

Plants like Chinese evergreen, ferns, and snake plants can survive less than ideal light conditions. In a bathroom with no windows, it can help to install a fluorescent light that gives your plants at least some light to grow in. If you don't want to add new light sources, you can frequently rotate your plants to a spot in your home where they get some indirect sunlight or opt for faux greenery.

Are air plants good in bathrooms?

Air plants are absolutely a great choice for your bathrooms. They do incredibly well in moist environments and don't require soil which makes them an easy and clean plant to have in your bathroom.

And if you don't have confidence in your ability to keep a plant alive, get some faux ones! They'll still spruce up your bathroom while needing absolutely no sunlight, water, or pruning to stay pretty.

Sources: Gardening Know How | Treehugger | ProFlowers | Almanac

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