Kitchen Cabinet Kings Plant a Tree Campaign

Plant A Tree Campaign by Kitchen Cabinet Kings

Plant a Tree in our Nation’s Forest with Kitchen Cabinet Kings

Your New Cabinets Make The World Greener

Kitchen Cabinet Kings and Plant Memorial Tree have teamed up to plant trees in our National Forests in honor of Kitchen Cabinet Kings customers. For every full kitchen purchased, a tree will be planted in one of 155 National Forests located throughout the United States.

We think a tree planting is a great way to thank you for your business while giving back to our planet. Our hope is that as this tree grows, so does our relationship.

Pretty much everyone agrees we need more trees. Trees provide clean air to breathe, a habitat, and prevent soil erosion. They cool our cities, provide food, clean and preserve our water resources. Trees are vital to the renewal of our ecosystems.

Our National Forest system is comprised of 155 forests throughout the U.S. with a landmass of over 190 million acres that's an area about the size of Texas! Your trees will be used in reforestation efforts in our National Forests throughout the country.

We've partnered up with to facilitate these tree plantings. They've been helping customers plant trees in the National Forest for all kinds of occasions including sympathy, birthdays, and just about any occasion is a great reason to plant a tree.

If you'd to learn more about Plant Memorial Tree or to donate directly to their cause, please visit their website at

this year

1707 trees


1500 our


139 trees planted
last month!

Large Tree

Kitchen Cabinet Kings
has planted

14,347 trees

in our National Forests

Forested watersheds provide
quality drinking water to more than

180 million Americans

Roadside trees reduce
nearby indoor air pollution by

more than 50%

Plant a Tree

during 1 year

a mature tree will absorb more than

48 pounds

of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange.

As Seen On
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On Grey's Anatomy
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings on HGTV
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  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On BuzzFeed
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On Entrepreneur
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On Forbes
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On Huffington Post
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On SFGate
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On The Spruce
  • Kitchen Cabinet Kings As Seen On Yahoo!

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