What matters to you.

Reports & Filings

GBH 2024 Annual Report

In 2023, GBH worked to affirm and deepen the trust of our audiences across Massachusetts, across the country, and around the globe. As a leading producer in the public media system reaching millions of people every week across multiple platforms, GBH continually dedicated itself to strengthening, including, and serving our diverse community, fostering growth, and empowering individuals. We invite you to explore Earning Your Trust, a look back at our programs, events, and services in our major areas of work—journalism, science, children’s media and education, and history, arts, and culture.


Get started: Read the report and watch promo videos and more by clicking the white arrow to the right of the cover (above).

Other ways to view Earning Your Trust:

GBH 2023 Annual Report

In 2022, what mattered most was reconnecting—in person and across platforms. We found new ways to reach our audiences, wherever they are, with our storytelling. And we worked to innovate, listen and expand public media to make it even more responsive to what matters to you. GBH built bridges that connected people with ideas, fresh perspectives and greater insight, building trust and ensuring closer bonds within our community. We invite you to explore Building Bridges, our look back at the highlights of 2022.

View the archived 2022 Annual Report report here.

Inclusive Language Guidelines

Words matter. They shape our perceptions. Words can make the difference between forging trust or creating distance. Language can also be used to indicate who is included and who is not. Our language must continually evolve with our understanding and acceptance of diverse groups of people. As a vital resource for news and information, as well as educational and cultural programming, GBH has an obligation to uphold the highest standard for inclusive language.

This booklet aims to guide everyone in the quest to communicate accurately and be culturally responsive to all, signaling to people that we honor their dignity.

The Guidelines contains chapters devoted to race, ethnicity and nationality; sexual orientation; gender identity and gender expression; gender inclusivity; disability; age and family status; substance use; and veteran and military status.

The language in this guide may not apply to every individual, therefore it is critical to take personal preferences of story subjects into account. Language use and terminology is constantly changing. This guide does not cover every situation so please refer to the links provided to other sources to get more information. This guide will be updated regularly.

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