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Allie Volpe

Allie Volpe

Senior Reporter

Allie Volpe is a senior reporter covering mental health, relationships, wellness, money, home life, and work. She’s curious about how to live better, both practically and holistically, having reported on topics like the components of an effective apology and ways to deal with a canceled or delayed flight. Her reporting offers actionable and accessible advice to readers, empowering them to live happier and healthier lives.

Before joining Vox, she was a freelance reporter, contributing to the New York Times, The Atlantic, the Washington Post, Rolling Stone, Playboy, and many others. Outside of work, she is a triathlete and avid karaoker.

Have a question about how to improve your life? Send her a tweet at @allieevolpe or you can reach her by email at [email protected].

Latest articles by Allie Volpe

Yes, you should prepare your kids for climate disastersYes, you should prepare your kids for climate disasters
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The catastrophic effects of climate change can happen anywhere. Here’s how to help your kids cope before, during, and after an emergency.

By Allie Volpe
What to do (and avoid) in extreme heatWhat to do (and avoid) in extreme heat
The Vox guide to extreme heat

Tips for keeping kids, adults, and the elderly cool and safe — even without air conditioning.

By Allie Volpe
Going on vacation with friends? Read this first.Going on vacation with friends? Read this first.
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If you want to get away together, but you don't want to fight, here's what you need to know.

By Allie Volpe
Why we seek revenge — and what to do instead
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Getting even can feel thrilling, but it’s worth weighing the cost.

By Allie Volpe
How Inside Out 2 tackles the science of teenage emotionsHow Inside Out 2 tackles the science of teenage emotions

Talking with the psychologists who brought the real science of emotion to the Pixar film.

By Allie Volpe
What your sibling birth order does — and doesn’t — explainWhat your sibling birth order does — and doesn’t — explain

Are you destined to always be the "eldest daughter"?

By Allie Volpe
The secret to modern friendship, according to real friendsThe secret to modern friendship, according to real friends
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My friend wrote a book about friendship. Here’s what we learned about ours.

By Allie Volpe
How the self-care industry made us so lonely
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The commodification of an activist concept turned a revitalizing practice into an isolating one.

By Allie Volpe
You really should say something if you hate your friend's partnerYou really should say something if you hate your friend's partner
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All is not lost if they are dating a complete loser.

By Allie Volpe
How to fight without ruining a relationship
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You can have healthy disagreements with the people in your life.

By Allie Volpe