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About Us

Vox’s mission is to help everyone understand our complicated world, so that we can all help shape it.

What We Do

Vox’s staff of over 100 journalists and subject-matter experts research, report and produce articles, videos, and podcasts that make complex ideas accessible. Whether it’s policy, culture, the Supreme Court, meatless meat, political extremism, biodiversity, artificial intelligence, the climate crisis, or something else, we give context to what’s happening today. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of income or status, can access accurate information that empowers them.

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Vox’s Even Better and Future Perfect columns Vox’s Even Better and Future Perfect columns
Vox’s Even Better and Future Perfect columns
Vox Shorts and Atlas on YouTube
Vox Shorts and Atlas on YouTube

Our Guiding Principles

  • Our audience is at the heart of what we do. Where other outlets focus on keeping up with — and writing for — their peers, or people in power, we’re focused on someone more important: you. We never lose sight of the fact that major events impact real people’s lives.
  • Transparency builds trust. We accept that journalists have their own biases — and must be aware of them. We work hard to acknowledge our biases, and be fair and empathetic to all perspectives. We’re transparent about the process, clear about our views, and always show our work, so that you can form your own opinion.
  • Identity is central to almost every story. Identity-related topics touch every part of our culture and society, and should be addressed as such. Talking to a diverse array of sources and understanding a variety of perspectives is essential in delivering the right stories.
  • Explanatory journalism is a public good. We believe that when more people understand why something is happening, we’re all better off.
  • We don’t start with foregone conclusions. We’re not afraid to make a bold statement backed by expertise and reporting. We explore all points of view with generosity, empathy, and fairness, but we put facts first.

Our Story

When Vox was founded in 2014, it was animated by a simple observation: The media did a good job of reporting the news and commenting on it, but there was a disconnect between that work and the audience truly understanding why something happened. Vox started as — and remains — an organization dedicated to addressing that gap, which not only persists but has grown.

We are proud to have popularized explanatory journalism in many forms, across many mediums. Our work has been used to educate people everywhere from elementary schools to college classrooms to vaccination sites in Taiwan to footnotes in congressional memos. We’ve received numerous awards, including News and Documentary Emmys, Online Journalism Awards, and Loeb Awards. We were a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for our collaboration with ProPublica on maternal mortality. Read more about what we’ve been up to in our press room.

“I believe Vox is making an enormous contribution to our society. The ‘out of the box’ ideas convey a way of thinking that many mainstream media publications don’t provide.”

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