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June In Fethiye

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It’s that time again – time for another Fethiye news roundup.

Well, a little look at what we’ve been up to and a few things that have happened around the area over the last four weeks or so…

As usual, we’ll start off with everyone’s favourite topic of conversation – the Fethiye weather.

And we’ve had a few mini heatwaves throughout the month of June, making average temps higher than the norm.

Temperatures that we’re all more familiar with in the months of July and August.

So, we’ll see what those months bring…

Looking down on the streets of Fethiye. Dark rain clouds are approaching.
We watched and hoped the rain would reach us

We did, however, get a blissful, not-forecast, downpour of rain, on Sunday.

We were sat in Cafe Park Teras and, in the space of an hour or so, watched the clouds roll in over the mountains.

We could see the rain falling in the distance and hoped there would still be some leftover for us in the town centre.

There was!

Around 15 minutes of glorious rainfall (more in other areas) to cool us all down and clear the air.

Inevitably, the hot weather has brought the hideous wildfires back into the news headlines.

And, as I type, numerous AKUT teams are helping with the cooling and dampening process in the Izmir Province and north of there.

The smoke from those fires engulfed residential areas, affected the Assos ruins and reached as far as the Greek island of Samos.

Here in Fethiye, the belediye are reminding people not to discard cigarette butts carelessly and not to leave litter.

Some forest areas in the Muğla Province are out of bounds until 31st October.

Yes, the big news in June was the announcement of new seabuses for the area.

It’s hoped they will reduce road traffic levels.

A billboard advertising a new seabus between Marmaris and Fethiye.
A billboard in Fethiye advertising the new seabus

We’re really excited about this because we loved using the Bodrum to Datça ferry.

One of the new routes will be between Fethiye and Marmaris, whilst the second route will go between Bodrum, Turgutreis and Didim.

There’s been much anticipation and chatter since it was announced the services would begin, with an opening ceremony for the Bodrum route on 1st July and the Fethiye to Marmaris route on the 2nd.

An opening ceremony will take place in Marmaris at 10:30 for our local route.

Everyone is eagerly looking at the website for tickets and timetables.

For the moment, the Fethiye Marmaris route will have two sea buses per day (08:00 and 13:00 from Fethiye and 10:30 and 17:00 from Marmaris), the crossing will take approximately 2 hours 10 minutes (or more in adverse conditions) and initially cost 301 TL per person, each way.

And if you’re interested in using any of the routes, keep an eye on the website for ticket purchases.

It’s in Turkish, so get your translate options at the ready if you don’t know the language.

This year, Kurban Bayramı (Eid al-Adha) fell in June, so that meant a boost to the Turkish tourism economy around coastal areas and elsewhere.

Families enjoying time on Çalış beach.
Families enjoyed time on Çalış Beach during Bayram

Fethiye was no different.

The local media outlets were awash with photos and videos of traffic queues around the area – mainly the main road leading down to Ölüdeniz.

In Çalış it was a case of busy hotels and a busy Çalış Beach.

It was lovely to see lots of families enjoying a break and having the weather to enjoy it in.

We had friends over to visit in the first half of the month.

They were staying in Ölüdeniz but came over to Fethiye for the day so we all had a pide at Nefis Pide Kordon and drinks at Büyük Ev.

A beach with sun loungers and changing cabin.
Always lovely to see the colour of the sea at Ölüdeniz

Before they returned to the UK, we got the dolmuş over to Ölüdeniz to have an afternoon with them.

And pide was on the menu again! Friends always love a good pide!

Actually, Barry plumped for a menemen lunch but the rest of us kept the pide theme alive.

Anyway, we use these rare visits over the hill to have a quick scan around to see how busy it is.

The bars and restaurants in both Ölüdeniz and up the hill in Hisarönü all looked to be doing decent trade – at least for daytime.

Let’s hope so…

And our other little eating out treat for June was a first time visit to somewhere…

The usual tale: We’ve been meaning to go there for years and never seem to get round to it.

A cobbled promenade shaded by trees to the left and vertical sign with Oben written on it in green letters.
A first time visit to Oben Restaurant

Well, we finally did get round to it. And it certainly won’t be the last time we go there.

Awesome prawn dish and Turkish musakka at Oben Restaurant at the end of Çalış Beach.

Well, all we can say is the Benyamin Sönmez Classical Music Festival was a bigger festival than previous years with famous pianist Fazıl Say performing at the ancient theatre with cellist, Nil Kocamangil.

And we missed it!

Another concert was also given at the theatre and the third night was a concert at the Patara ruins.

Keep an eye on our Fethiye events calendar for local events taking place when you’re in the area.

Let’s head into the world of sport, first…

We’re sure lots of you know the European Championships are taking place at the moment but the good news is, Turkey are already the European Champions!

And they’re European Champions for the third time!

We’re talking amputee football and Turkey beat Spain 3-0 to take the title.

Well done to them!

Opening and reopenings for those of you with plans to visit the wonder that is Istanbul, soon.

In June, new areas of Topkapı Palace were opened to visitors for the first time. You will now also be able to see the Concubines’ Court and Bath and Kushane Kitchen.

Crowds of people outside one of the Topkapı Palace buildings in Istanbul.
Topkapı Palace splendour

A former Byzantine church that became the Kariye Museum that became the Kariye Camii (Mosque).

After restoration, the building has now reopened as a mosque and is an active place of worship.

Exterior view of Chora Museum, Istanbul.
The exterior of Kariye Mosque

As with other mosques, visitors are welcome outside of prayer times and there is no entrance fee – but donations will be encouraged.

From what we’ve seen online, the stunning frescoes that make this building so special are still visible. So it might be worth your effort to troop up there for a visit.

You can make a day of exploring the area and take in St. Stephen’s iron church, Fener, Balat and Pierre Loti Hill further along the Golden Horn.

And a good news story to end with: DEKAMER, the sea turtle research and rehabilitation team at Iztuzu Beach near Dalyan, filmed the first sea turtle hatchlings of the season making their way to the sea on 26th June.

Let’s hope for another record season!

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