
Thanks I could help, bro!

@mobileleprechaun / mobileleprechaun.tumblr.com

please be aware of untagged bugs! i'm no longer sorry tho i love them more than anyone's opinion! C:

i;m mobile.....

  • Gay TME alterhuman furry capybara-armadillo thing 
  • they/them or it/its 
  • over 28
  • autism™
  • Texan
  • failed child prophet/prodigy
  • I love every beast on this earth and make no apology for it
  • I get winded easily by social interactions and am most likely not interested in talking on the regular or making new friends. Nothing personal at all, I am just satisfied by the amount of friends I have already.
  • if I don’t know you, I’m not sharing any personal info
  • I don’t tag many things (aside from gore and abuse CWs) and don’t recommend you follow me if you need things tagged
  • I also don’t recommend you follow me if you don’t like seeing pictures of insects and spiders
  • i’m always rlly tired please be nice to me......
  • look at him

finally ready to speak about this, so- hello. my name is candy. i just had to put down my childhood dog right after losing my job. needless to say i am devastated, financially and otherwise. i am short on rent, and also owe nearly a thousand dollars for just euthanasia and cremation. i really, really need some help.

please consider throwing a couple bucks my way, it would mean the world to me and would help tremendously.

thank you all so much.


while there are legitimate examples of hypocritical thinking in...probably every subculture imaginable i feel like at least 80% of the posts online that are like "people say they want X, but then they do contradictory behaviour Y" are describing two different people with opposing opinions

here is my favorite variation of this point, because it inexplicably uses various goomba variants to make its point


I don't know what to call it exactly, but there's this attitude in tech-adjacent spaces that's really starting to piss me off.

If you don't already know, Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10 in 2026. In simple terms, that means that if someone figures out how to worm their way into it, every computer still running windows 10 after that cut off is at risk.

However, considering Microsoft promised upon Windows 10's release that it would be the last Windows, and just because it is a genuinely decent OS with very good support for software and games, while still maintaining a level of customization and control that Windows users tend to value, a lot of people are rightfully pissed about Windows 11 being shoved down our throats.

Among many, many things, Windows 11 is packed to the brim with AI slop, genuinely terrifying spyware, and just generally tries to stop users from actually making their PC their own. Hell, just recently, Microsoft began pushing an update that made it so that a new browser can't make itself default with a single button, the user has to jump through hoops to change the setting themselves.

And a sentiment I see repeated a lot as a result of peoples righteous anger is the tried and true "just switch to Linux!"

And I just need ya'll to understand that as good as Linux is, it is not the solution.

Like, I'm sorry, but your average windows user does not know the first thing about Linux. They don't know how to install it, don't even know what distro to use (or even what that means), don't know alternative software for the programs they use, and expecting them to just understand based on a few online guides is ridiculous. Lots of games aren't compatible with it, not to mention lots of popular software. Most PC users buy a PC, follow the setup, and call it a day. Expecting anything more advanced than that is just not fair.

I love Linux, and I can't use it as my daily driver, as much as I'd like to. I simply have too many things that can't run on it or a virtual environment to be able to give up Windows.

So like. idk, man, stop suggesting Linux when you can instead find ways to make Microsoft give their users what they actually need.


hello 🐙


This is not anthropomorphization but genuinely something theyre known to do. I've heard divers say octopuses and cuttlefish get fascinated by hand gestures and will sometimes respond to them like. We probably do look like we have little cephalopods on the ends of our arms, to them. Like we're always putting on a puppet show.


ive heard enough stories of octopuses attempting to socially interact w humans to be convinced that some octopuses want to socially interact w humans

frustrated how quickly people will trip over themselves to dismiss any notion of animal thought as "anthropomorphization" as if animals are truly thoughtless lumps of meat who simply move their limbs around meaninglessly and die

precocious adult behavior


False Gharial aka Malayan Gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), family Gavialidae, found in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia

  • Historically, there has been some disagreement about how this species should be placed. At one time, some herpetologists believed this species should be placed in the crocodile family, Crocodylidae. There is vast agreement now that they should be placed in the Gharial family, Gavialidae.

photograph by Ryan Off The Grid


one thing that will never fail to make me stop believing in something is the group of people who believe in it too. not sure what this would be called

its like. someone could say 'i wish there were more lunch options than peas in the school cafeteria i dont really like peas' (imaginary example) and i go yeah me neither. and then someone goes 'yeah peas suck' someone else goes 'they shouldnt even offer peas at all' 'honestly i cant imagine liking peas' 'people who like peas are weird!' 'if you like peas im going to assume you my moral enemy' and its like woah hey guys maybe im going to take a step to the pea likers side because this is getting weird

people are asking if this is about fandoms or about a specific line of discourse and i dont know how to tell you but any time a large group of people starts really angrily creating an imaginary devil in their mind ive made it a habit to step back and go 'now wait a minute' not as someone who has never done this but as someone who tries to learn from their mistakes

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