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Around Britain by bus

Dixe Wills attempts to travel around the edge of Britain using only public buses
  • Durness: Cape Wrath lighthouse

    Post haste to Cape Wrath

    Dixe Wills hops the postbus towards a Scottish village perched at the British mainland's most north-westerly tip

  • Bus to Southend on the Kintyre peninsula, Scotland

    Bus to the end of the world

    Dixe Wills' bus tour of Britain takes him to Scotland's remote outpost of 'Wee Glasgow by the Sea' on the Kintyre peninsula

  • Walney Island, Cumbria

    Where's Walney?

    Miles of unspoilt coast, abundant wildlife, and a rich history - so why has no one heard of Walney Island, wonders Dixe Wills on the next leg of his bus tour of Britain

  • Llandudno beach

    Round the mountain

    On the third leg of his bus tour around Britain's coast, Dixe Wills nips inland to wonder at Snowdonia

  • Manorbier Beach, Pembrokshire

    The perfect seaside village

    Continuing his bus tour of Britain's coast, Dixe Wills discovers the charms of Manorbier in Pembrokeshire

  • Dixe Wills' bus tour: Zennor, Cornwall

    Around Britain by bus - part one

    Is it possible to travel around the edge of Britain by bus and what adventures would befall someone fool enough to try? Dixe Wills takes up the challenge - first stop Zennor, Cornwall