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Australian data team blog

A blog by Guardian Australia's data and interactives team. This blog is where we share our methods, experiences and approaches, including data analysis techniques, code examples, and various behind-the-scenes aspects of interactive and multimedia development

  • Guardian Australia data and interactives editor Nick Evershed practises his sceptical YouTube face in front of a giant The Crunch logo

    Welcome to The Crunch. Wait, what is The Crunch?

    Why we’re making charts with audio, and how that relates to our new video series and newsletter
  • Chart showing the dollars promised during the election campaign by each major party, by seat status

    How we used machine learning to cover the Australian election

    We used AI to help show how campaign promises were targeted at particular seats, with marginal seats and seats held by the same party as the one making the promises being hugely overrepresented. Here’s how we did it and what we’d do differently next time around