For the love of Sport logo in motion

Your podcast for everything youth sports
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Sports bench in front of soccer field
Water cooler with a For the Love of Sport sticker on it.

What am I pressing play on?

For the Love of Sport is the premier youth sports podcast celebrating the admins, coaches, parents, volunteers, and athletes who put their hearts into making it happen each week.


About the show

For the Love of Sport covers and celebrates the entire world of youth sports. From coaches and pro athletes sharing their experiences to the admins and volunteers who keep leagues running. Each episode is a celebration of talents, experiences, and of course, youth athletes. Expect to laugh as much as you’ll learn along with our hosts, Marie and Simon.

For more information about the show, schedule, and featured guests please check out our press kit.

Marie playing soccer

Meet your hosts

Marie Fitzgerald

Marie grew up in an environment where no sport was off limits, and she tried virtually every activity that involved running, kicking, throwing, and being in a team environment. She developed a love for soccer and basketball (and yes, she did kick for her high school football team, a topic for another day), eventually playing both during college. Her passion for sport led her to coaching, and she spent over 7 years as a coach for Minnesota’s biggest youth club, Fusion Soccer Club. Hosting For the Love of Sport was the perfect way for her to continue connecting, sharing, and learning from the youth sports community.

Simon MacKenzie

Simon has been involved in sports ever since his earliest days, and in almost every way possible. A lifelong athlete in a myriad of different sports (from swimming, golf, and basketball to collegiate soccer, tennis, and lacrosse), Simon combines a love of sports as a player and coach with his insights on the youth sports space. For the Love of Sport offered Simon a chance to highlight the impact that youth sports can have on athletes, families, leagues, and communities, while also celebrating the amazing stories of the people who make it all possible!

Simon running
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Who in youth sports should we talk to next? What do you want to hear more about? Say "hey" and send a message our way.

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