
Providing solutions for the National Development Plan through our members

Introduction to Initiatives

Widely recognised as one of the world’s leading accounting institutes, the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) is more than just a professional body; it is a critical player in South Africa’s development journey. In line with this, a key driver of SAICA’s strategic objectives is the National Development Plan: Vision 2030 (NDP) that calls on the private and public sectors, as well as civil society to rally behind a united vision for the country’s development.

About Thuthuka

The Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund is SAICA’s pioneering initiative to promote transformation in the profession. Its objective is to transform the demographics of the profession to reflect those of the country in terms of race and gender, and provide educational support to African learners and students for the benefit of the profession, while simultaneously helping to uplift communities.


Trust restoration

Sustainability and Public Sector

Competency framework
