

Read Your Way Around the World


  1. Read Your Way Through New Orleans

    New Orleans is a thriving hub for festivals, music and Creole cuisine. Here, the novelist Maurice Carlos Ruffin shares books that capture its many cultural influences.


    CreditRaphaelle Macaron
  2. Read Your Way Through Montreal

    Montreal is a city as appealing for its beauty as for its shadows. Here, the novelist Mona Awad recommends books that are “both dreamy and uncompromising.”


    CreditRaphaelle Macaron
  3. Read Your Way Through Accra

    Bus stations. Traffic stops. Beaches. There’s no telling where you’ll find the next story in Accra, Ghana’s capital. Peace Adzo Medie shares some of her favorites.


    CreditRaphaelle Macaron
  1. Read Your Way Through Lagos

    Like many Nigerians, the novelist Stephen Buoro has been deeply influenced by the exquisite bedlam of Lagos, a megacity of extremes. Here, he defines the books that make sense of the chaos.


    CreditRaphaelle Macaron
  2. Read Your Way Through Utah

    Utah is a place of paradoxes, full of terrible beauty and complicated history. The writer Terry Tempest Williams recommends books to help you explore the state’s many facets.


    Reading on the ski slopes: a new level of bookish introversion to aspire to.
    CreditRaphaelle Macaron
  3. Read Your Way Through Madrid

    Like many who call Madrid home, Elena Medel was born elsewhere, but forged her identity in the Spanish capital. Here, she recommends books about this city that “refuses to be reduced to an ideal.”


    CreditRaphaelle Macaron
  4. Read Your Way Through Lima

    Lima is a city of contrasts and contradictions — gray and tropical, dense and isolated. Augusto Higa Oshiro, one of its writers, recommended books and authors that have captured its complexity.

     By Augusto Higa Oshiro and

    CreditRaphaelle Macaron
  5. Read Your Way Through Missoula

    Montana calls to storytellers: The cold clear waters of its rivers have carried the voices of its inhabitants from time immemorial, says Debra Magpie Earling, one of its writers. Here, she recommends her favorites.


    One of the great joys of autumn is reading outside in the crisp air, among falling leaves. One of the least appealing things is how many people expect you to read scary books.
    CreditRaphaelle Macaron


  1. Read Your Way Through Seoul

    Han Kang grew up in Seoul, a city that embraces “thousands of years of turbulence.” She recommends reading that draws from the various eras that have made up her hometown.

    By Han Kang and translated by Jasmine Jeemin Lee

  2. Read Your Way Through Appalachia

    Barbara Kingsolver, whose Pulitzer-winning “Demon Copperhead” offered a variegated portrait of the region, guides readers through a literary landscape “as bracing and complex as a tumbling mountain creek.”

    By Barbara Kingsolver

  3. Read Your Way Through Hanoi

    Hanoi, long a city of storytellers, has been devastated and reborn time and time again. Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai guides readers through the literature that has played a part in that renewal.

    By Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai

  4. Read Your Way Through Maine

    Reading and writing are deeply valued in Maine. The novelist Lily King recommends fiction, nature writing, memoirs, children’s books and inspiration for writers.

    By Lily King

  5. Read Your Way Through Salvador, Brazil

    The writer Itamar Vieira Junior says that to “feel the intensity of life on the streets of Salvador” in Bahia, Brazil, a reader must start with Jorge Amado.

    By Itamar Vieira Junior and translated by Johnny Lorenz

  7. Read Your Way Through Los Angeles

    Héctor Tobar is a son of Los Angeles, a city of “perpetual cultural mixing.” Here, he guides readers through the books and writers that cut through the city’s layers.

    By Héctor Tobar

  8. Read Your Way Through Kerala, India

    A strip of lush land at the tip of India where spices grow wild, Kerala has long drawn the gaze of outsiders. Here’s Abraham Verghese’s guide to its literature, which nods at these influences but is very much its own.

    By Abraham Verghese

  9. Read Your Way Through Miami

    To love Miami is to accept that it is a city in flux. Jonathan Escoffery, one of its writers, recommends books that help shape the Florida metropolis.

    By Jonathan Escoffery

  10. Read Your Way Through São Paulo

    Brazil’s ultra urban megacity overwhelms the landscape and the imagination. Paulo Scott recommends books that peel back its layers.

    By Paulo Scott

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