Portrait of Steve Eder

Steve Eder

I report on powerful people and institutions, as well as other topics that are important to our readers. In recent years, my subjects have ranged from policing in America and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to former President Donald Trump and the Supreme Court.

My reporting requires me to dig deep in my research, using documents and data to tell stories. It also means conducting many interviews and building relationships with sources who can help me understand complex subjects.

I grew up reading the Detroit Free Press at the kitchen table and was lucky enough to get my first byline in my hometown newspaper as a teenager. I was hooked on journalism.

I went on to Michigan State University, where I worked at the campus publication, The State News, and at newspapers around the country as an intern. I began my professional career as a reporter for The Toledo (Ohio) Blade, before moving to New York to work for Reuters and then The Wall Street Journal. I joined The Times in 2012 as an investigative sports reporter. I covered the 2016 presidential election and have since been a correspondent in the investigative department, where I’ve worked on a range of projects.

In 2022, I shared in the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting for an investigative series on deadly traffic stops. I was also part of the team of Times journalists honored with the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for reporting on workplace sexual harassment issues. At The Blade, I was part of a team honored as a finalist for the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.

I also teach investigative journalism classes at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.

I’m deeply committed to adhering to the high standards of The Times, which are outlined in our Ethical Journalism Handbook.

I take my independence seriously. I do not partake in politics in any way, and I do not accept gifts from anyone who might figure into my reporting. I also identify myself as a reporter for The Times when I’m working.

My reporting aims to find the truth. That means accuracy is of utmost importance to me. I protect my sources and am transparent with them about my reporting process. I strive to be fair and to include a range of viewpoints in my stories.


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