Portrait of Liz Alderman

Liz Alderman

I report on European economic, business and environmental issues through stories that highlight the impact on everyday lives. My coverage since 2010 has included the European economic and refugee crises, the Paris terrorist attacks and the war in Ukraine. My work focuses on inequality and economic and societal shifts. I interview a range of actors, from government officials and corporate executives to workers, families and those on the margins who are living out the effects of policies made higher up. I also write about culture in the European countries I cover.

I have reported on economic issues for more than 20 years. I was an assistant business editor at The Times in New York when Lehman Brothers fell, editing coverage of Wall Street and the U.S. financial crisis. Before that, I was the business editor of the Paris-based International Herald Tribune, and headed the Paris bureau of the U.S. financial news agency BridgeNews, directing European economics reporting. Before that I was a Federal Reserve correspondent in Washington, covering the U.S. economy and monetary policy.

I’m a recipient of The Times’s Nathaniel Nash Award for “excellence in business and economics journalism,” and was part of a team honored by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers for international news coverage of Europe’s debt crisis.

In accordance with The Times’s extensive ethics policy, I cannot accept press trips, favors or gifts from people or companies that feature in my reporting, nor can I hold stock in companies I cover. I identify myself as a reporter for The Times when I contact people for information. I give subjects an opportunity to comment and express their side of a story. If I grant anonymity to a source, I abide by that agreement.


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