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Teaching Resource

10 Ideas for Reflecting at the End of the School Year

Inspired by Times articles and features from across sections, these exercises can help both students and teachers think about their growth.

An illustration of a huge plant growing toward the sky in a large field with mountains the background
Related ArticleCredit...Andrew B Myers

Updated for 2024, with a new companion student and teacher forum!

You might have begun the school year with our 10 ideas for building community, all of which were inspired by Times features. Now, as the academic year comes to a close, here is another list, one both teachers and students can use — ideally working together.

Below, 10 ways to reflect on the year that was, think about what you learned, note how you grew and changed — and consider what it all means for next year.

We are also publishing a companion writing prompt to which we invite both students and teachers to respond. The prompt echoes the exercises below, and we invite you to share any part of your thinking that you’d like to make public.

Happy almost-summer, and thank you again for teaching and learning with The New York Times.

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