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A large birdhouse in the village of Sinugra, in the western state of Gujarat. The structure not only houses birds but also has space to store the birds’ grain.

The World Through a Lens

Documenting India’s Distinctive Birdhouses

For seven years, a photographer based in Delhi has collected images of ornamental structures known as chabutras. Here are some of his favorites.

Some years ago, while exploring Bhuj, a small city in Gujarat, India’s westernmost state, I stumbled upon a beautiful and initially enigmatic structure: a column that supported an enclosure adorned with hundreds of holes. It seemed to me to be a geometric abstraction of a giant tree — until a pigeon peeped out from one of the openings.

Soon there were hundreds of birds flying in and out of the grand birdhouse. Locals informed me that the structure was called a “chabutra.”

A peacock-shaped birdhouse in the town of Mundra, Kutch. Peacocks have an important religious connotation in Hinduism and are therefore popular as designs for chabutras built near temples.
A 40-story chabutra near a highway. As with skyscrapers, tall birdhouses are a point of pride for the communities that build and showcase them.

Over the course of my initial four-month stay, and afterward, during follow-up visits throughout Kutch, the district that includes Bhuj, I began documenting the beautifully crafted birdhouses — taking photographs, collecting local narratives and recording people’s memories associated with the structures.

Pigeons occupy a birdhouse and rest on an adjoining wire.

The old bird towers I encountered were made of wood and stone. Newer specimens are mostly made of concrete and are much more colorful and vibrant. Each design is different.

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