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Messages about Genetics

Decoding the Mind: Basic Science Revolutionizes Treatment of Mental Illnesses

By Linda Brady, Margaret Grabb, Susan Koester, Yael Mandelblat-Cerf, David Panchision, Jonathan Pevsner, Ashlee Van’t-Veer, and Aleksandra Vicentic on behalf of the NIMH Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science on 75th Anniversary

In this Director’s Message guest authored by the Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science, learn about NIMH's investments in basic neuroscience, genetics, and behavioral research that have helped improve the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses.

Looking Back, Moving Forward

By Joshua Gordon on

In this Director’s Message, Dr. Gordon reflects on some exciting NIMH-supported developments from the past year.

Exploring the Role of Somatic Mosaicism in Human Biology

By Joshua Gordon on

In this Director’s message, Dr. Gordon introduces the Somatic Mosaicism across Human Tissues (SMaHT) Network—an NIH-wide initiative that aims to transform our understanding of how somatic mosaicism in human cells influences biology and disease.

A Milestone in Mapping the Brain

By Joshua Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., and Walter Koroshetz , M.D., director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke on

In this Director’s message, Dr. Gordon and Dr. Koroshetz, director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, discuss the first major product to result from the Brain Initiative Cell Census Network, a comprehensive description of the cell types in the motor cortex of mice, monkeys, and humans.

Piecing Together the Genetic Puzzle of Autism

By Joshua Gordon on

In this Director’s Message, Dr. Gordon looks at new findings that help shed light on the complex causal web that leads from genes to autism.

Piecing Together the Genetic Puzzle of Schizophrenia

By Joshua Gordon on

In this Director’s Message, Dr. Gordon highlights new findings that advance our understanding of how genetic differences contribute to the development of schizophrenia.

What Can Animals Tell Us About Mental Illnesses?

By Joshua Gordon on

In this Director’s Message, directed toward a general audience, Dr. Gordon discusses the role of animals in mental health research and what they can tell us about human mental illnesses.

A Hypothesis-Based Approach: The Use of Animals in Mental Health Research

By Joshua Gordon on

In this Director’s Message, directed toward the research community, Dr. Gordon provides guidance to researchers on the use of animals in mental health research funded by NIMH.

Translational Research: From Research Findings to Transformative Treatments

By Joshua Gordon on

The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) focuses on research which translates basic neuroscience findings into novel treatments. In this Director’s Message, Dr. Gordon discusses some of the exciting work presented at this year’s ACNP meeting.

Towards a Genomic Psychiatry: Recommendations of the Genomics Workgroup of the NAMHC

By Joshua Gordon on

A Genomics Workgroup of the National Advisory Mental Health Council has issued a report with recommendations for NIMH’s ongoing support of genomics research. Dr. Gordon offers highlights of the report with his reflections.

Autism Awareness Month: Genes and Development in Autism Spectrum Disorder

By Joshua Gordon on

Dr. Gordon discusses research aimed at identifying the causes of autism spectrum disorder including findings emerging from studies of genetic factors.