Equal Employment Opportunity

The people in the wildland fire community are our most valuable resource. Our fire programs recognizes that providing a workplace in which there is fair and equitable workplace opportunities is a vital component of readiness. Providing equality in opportunity is vital to attracting, developing, and retaining a top-quality workforce in order to accomplish our strategic mission. It is policy to ensure that Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is fully integrated into the mission with demonstrated commitment from leadership at all levels. 

The wildland fire management agencies expect all employees to proactively prevent discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40 and over), disability, and or reprisal for participation in the EEO process. Managers and supervisors share the responsibility with EEO for successful policy and program implementation so that we can promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through continuing affirmative programs that efficient, responsive, and legally compliant. 

The EEO office provides leadership, develops policy, and provides interpretation and recommendations on a wide range of equal employment and civil rights issues to Fire and Aviation managers, supervisors, employees, and the public. EEO policies are clearly defined and provide the foundation for a workplace free from unlawful discrimination. 

If you believe you have been discriminated against because of your race, color religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), national origin, age (40 years and over), physical or mental disability, genetic information, and/or reprisal or retaliation for participation in the EEO process, you can use the EEO discrimination complaint process.   

You have 45 calendar days from the date of the incident to initiate an EEO complaint by contacting: 

Eileen Wallace, BLM Fire and Aviation, EEO Manager 
Located in the Jack Wilson Building, 2nd Floor, Room 220 
3833 Development Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83705 
Phone: (208) 387-5454 
Email: [email protected] 

Michelle Witter, FWS Complains and Compliance Manager
Phone: 303-236-4460
Email: Complaint related questions and concerns – 
[email protected] or diversity concerns [email protected] 

EEO Policies and Regulations

Do What's Right Wildland Fire Annual Training

  • Training Materials

    Do What's Right is directed to everyone in the wildland fire community, whether you are at a fire base, outstation, or whether you are a smokejumper, dispatcher, firefighter, module leader, fire management officer, or work in a support position or as a contractor in the fire organization. All these scenarios can apply to any of us and our wildland fire community needs to understand their rights, responsibilities, AND consequence of actions.  We all deserve a safe and accepting workplace free from discrimination and harassment. We have the right to feel proud of the work we do. Taking pride in the duties we perform and acting with integrity and respect is what this program is all about. In essence, this training is about Doing What’s Right.

    As directed, in the "Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations," Chapter 13 Firefighter Training and Qualification, Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training: The Do What's Right training is required annual training for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), but is not a prerequisite for issuance of an incident qualification card.